Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm enjoying my time alone but my goodness, it is quiet.  Except when I take Penny out for a walk alone and Tucker barks and kicks up a fuss about it.

Tucker had a check up at the vet today and got a clean bill of health.  He got a booster and his heartworm and flea medication (which now comes in one fabulous pill, for the same price of the flea medicine) and generally had a great time.  He loved the vets, and licked the ear of the assistant holding him, LOL.  He also tried to make friends with and play with all the other dogs and cats there.  I could tell one woman was ready to smack me because  Tucker kept trying to sniff her puppy, which was on her lap encased in a blanket more expensive looking than the one on my bed.  He is probably her sweet angel.  Tucker didn't scare him but the lady was most unhappy. At this point I put ole Tucker in the car and then went back to pay my bill.  

I watched a documentary on The History Channel, fed pets, took pets, out, watered plants, etc.  The usual kind of life stuff.  I've not done a DARN thing around the house, all that can start tomorrow.  For now, I've just enjoyed lounging with my furry friends.

And here is a random reminder for all of us that the brutal heat will not last forever!  Hey, laugh all you want, it was a big snow for us.  And yes, this is the church where we are currently privileged to serve alongside some of God's most awesome saints.

Today's workout:  Slim Series Shape it Up.  I absolutely adore the Slim Series workouts by Debbie Seibers (through a company called BeachBody).  They are high repetition/low weight workouts and have a cardio effect as well, killing two birds with one stone so to speak.  I think I'll do three or four of them a week for a bit, adding in a couple of days of cardio, along with some other online home fitness workout fanatics I've met, lol.

Tonight will be some yoga from Jill Miller's Yoga Tune Up Quick Fix DVD.  I'm thinking wrists and feet, as I often neglect stretching and caring for those areas.

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