Friday, September 21, 2012

I got to walk the dog today, yippee.  It was about 61 but still felt great. Tom and I had a breakfast date (just had iced coffee, I was good) and then worked on Algebra and Grammar with Maddie.  Later I checked up on Tyler and Wes.  Ty's easy to check as he does a lot of written work he hands in and other things on Time4Learning on the web.  Wes is independent and wants to come to me with problems only.  Maddie, on the other hand, likes to work more with me.  So it's all good!

Wes, Tom, and, to a lesser extent Ty, spent a good deal of time cleaning out the carport.  Maddie and I hit the grocery and then fixed pizza for dinner.  Wes also had to mow the grass yesterday.  I bought him a Chocolate Chip Frappe from McDonalds for mowing and Tom bought him dinner at Zaxby's for working in the carport for hours so I think he's happy to volunteer!
P.S.   I posted a UK joke yesterday so here's our redemption in college football so far:  LSU Tigers.  This is a picture of the real "Mike the Tiger" mascot.  I have to admit that Mike is the Coolest. Mascot. Ever.

Today's workout:  WHFN Pump, which contains intervals of cardio and weights and core work. I know some people don't like the WHFN Fitprimes but I find you can go heavy and concentrate on form with them.  The older I get I have decided I like working out "smarter, not harder."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

My laugh out loud moment of the day.  Thanks, Mom.

Oh, well, basketball season will be here before we know it!

I also wanted to post a link to an article.  I've been saying something similar for years. Frankly, it's one of the reasons I home school.

Have a wonderful Thursday.


Friday~WHFN Lower Body Burn (lower body cardio/weight intervals); Dog Walk

Saturday~No dog walk~went on an overnight trip to see friends in Blue Ridge, GA.  TA Meta Ab Level 7, Day 9; Jessica Smith Thin in 10 Walks and her long, yoga-inspired stretch.

Monday~WHFN Lean (light weights and cardio)

Tuesday~TA Meta Ab Level 8, Day 1~hard stuff!  WHFN Fast Cheetah (warm up, cardio, yoga, stretch)

Wednesday~Dog Walk (finally no rain); WHFN Upper Body Burn (upper body weight and cardio intervals)

Today~TA Meta Ab Level 8, Day 2; Jessica Smith Barefoot Sunset Indoor Walk (lovely, low-impact cardio).  I didn't walk Tucker today because I had an early dental appointment.  I hope to go walking with him soon.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Update!  Gracie has turned her back on The United Methodist Book of Discipline. Wes is convinced that she's becoming a Baptist!  LOL!

Okay, enough silliness~wishing my Mom a Happy 70th Birthday~!  She's been a blessing to me all these years and I know she loves me unconditionally~unless you guys tell her that I gave away her age!!!

I had Wes, Maddie, and Tyler read Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" short story yesterday. They were all disturbed and HATED it.  Wes, however, has to write a 5 paragraph paper on the use of irony in the story and has gotten into it now!  He keeps coming to me and telling me more instances of  irony he has found.

Other than that, nothing too exciting has been going on.  Oh, I did have a wonderful serendipity today though!  I ran to Ingles and the Starbucks in there has Pumpkin Spice Lattes out now~my favorite. And, I had a gift card!  Doing a happy dance.  

Wes had to get a new phone today since his was totally dead. So, if any of you have tried to call and he ignored you, he's sorry. And, he's ready to chat now!

Wednesday's workout:  WHFN Push Pull(I used moderate weights in this cardio and weight interval workout); walk with Tucker and Tom; yoga on my own.

Today:  Walk with Tucker and Tom; yoga on my own; abs and some stretching with Tom (he's been asking me to show him some things to do); TA Meta Abcentric Level 7 Day 8; WHFN Steamin' Cardio (warmup, cardio, both stretch segments).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Funny picture of the day for all of my United Methodist readers.  Bet you don't have a cat as FASCINATED with The Book of Discipline as our cat Gracie is!!!  Sometimes we do silly things at our house.

Haven't the faintest idea why I didn't blog after last Thursday.  Just got busy and forgot, I guess.  We did have some things going on Friday~I remember Tom and the boys taking the dog creek hiking that afternoon.  Saturday we had a dinner at a member's house with other people~another "get to know the pastor" event. And, of course football!  Sunday was busy with church and a meeting that Tom had.

Oh well.  Yesterday we started back with school~a full week after two shorter weeks.  I had a lot of errands to run. The kids love it when I go grocery shopping. The stand over me like hawks watching things come out of the bag to be put away so they'll know what goodies we have to eat, LOL!  Tyler had a County Council to attend with the Scout troop to help with a merit badge and then he and Wes had a scout meeting.

Today I got my hair cut and had to go to the hardware store. We spent a good deal of time talking with Tom tonight about what we've been learning this week. The best presentation included a Lego Mario. He was used to illustrate the meaning of the words decapitation(loosing your head) and defenestration(being thrown out a window)!! :D

Friday's workout:  Tracie Long Endurance For Movement (one hour cardio/weight intervals); walk with Tucker; yoga on my own

Saturday~Walk with Tucker and Tyler; yoga on my own; TA Meta Ab L7D6; Jessica Smith Barefoot Cardio Flow

Monday~Tracie Long Mix:  Focus 30 Butt; Weightless (all body weight cardio and strength workout); walk with Tucker; yoga on my own

Today~Walk with DH and Tucker; yoga on my own; FitPrime Lean (warm up, cardio, stretch)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tom ended up going back to Rome today for the funeral of a man we just adored in our church there. He was asked to participate in the service as we were very close to his family.  I'll never think of the University of Georgia football without seeing Mr. George in his Red sports coat on a Sunday after a win.

The kids and I did some regular school, talked a lot about Chemistry and the periodic table and did some research with that, and spent time outdoors!  It was glorious to have a warm, sunny day again.

After Tom got home tonight, we all went out and played a game of basketball.  Don't ask me the name but it was a lot of fun~and good exercise too.  Now we're winding down for the night~reading, watching some football, etc.  

Today's workout:  1.5 mile dog walk; yoga on my own; TA Meta Ab L7D5; Tracie Long TLT Better Burn, Better Buns:  warmup and active stretch; cardio (uses a medicine ball a lot, tons of fun); planks; stretch.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy Wednesday from the McElroy clan.  Isn't it fun having two short weeks in a row?

The rain stopped enough this morning for Tom and I to get out and walk Tucker. That dog was MOVING!  I can tell he missed getting out and taking his cruise around the neighborhood.  One of the best parts of the whole thing is just having time to chat with Tom or one of the kids who comes with me. Although, walking Tucker alone is a great way to catch up on prayer time as well.

One of the funniest parts of our day has been dealing with Peanut, our 11 yo Siamese cat mix. He's the one who had the awful abscess at the end of July. Well, it's almost completely gone and is scabbed over so he can go back outdoors. The thing is, he likes being in now. Every time we put him out he waits by the door to run in the second it's open. I could care less if he's in or not but for some reason it drives Maddie and Tom crazy. It's their new personal crusade to defeat that cat but so far he's winning. :p

Today's workout:  1.5 mile walk; 10 minutes of yoga on my own; Tracie Long Staying Power for my medium weight day (cardio and weight intervals).

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We had a great weekend.  Football, time with friends, church, and some good food.  Even rain can't keep us down!

Today we started back into school with some fun chores for the kids.  Wes had to clean the laundry room (mop, etc. ) where the litter box resides and Maddie cleaned the kids' bathroom. Tyler managed to avoid his chore which he WILL do tomorrow~I need my kitchen floor mopped.  And lest you think I do nothing, I need to clean my bathroom tomorrow too.

Last night we ended our long weekend by watching the second Sherlock Holmes movie, which was entertaining.  I took that back today and picked up a few things at the store to make something totally different for dinner.  I had extra hot dogs on hand so I thought that if the kids hated it they could have hot dogs!  Know what?  They actually liked the crock pot Spinach Souffle~and so did I. Quick, inexpensive, and tasty~my kind of recipe.

Thanks God, for days of Algebra, writing, laundry, watching a movie, petting a dog, writing thank you notes, curling up with good books, and the privilege of prayer.  You are certainly good to me.

Yesterday's workout:  Tracie Long Figure 30 Hips; Tracie Long Kick Back (both light weight/body weight workouts); 10 MS Yoga for Beginners, Flexibility.

Today:  Tracie Long Meta Ab L7D4; Kendell Hogan Eviga Bootcamp Calorie Burn (lots of impact but do-able and fun); 10 minutes of yoga poses on my own. I did hip openers and back bends.