Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dentist time for Maddie, Wes and I today.  Always so much fun!  Tyler took his math books and The Number Devil and entertained himself the entire time we were there!  He also taught us many things about Fibonacci numbers, number triangles, etc. He was also asking me to teach him how to add fractions with different denominators and to multiply three and four digit numbers.

When we got home, we decided to eat lunch and do some reading and schoolwork.  Mary Madison had to babysit for a couple of hours at 1:15 pm and then reminded me that we needed sketch pads for Homeschool co-op tomorrow.  In the middle of that, we got a call from Tom that he had to take the car to be fixed so off we went to pick him up.

Maddie had soccer practice so after that, I was very ready for some yoga and Bible time.  One of the most beautiful things I've found is that God always gives me some time for studying his Word, if I just ask him to show me. 

Lord thanks for time with you, time with the kids, and time to see how much my children will learn all on their own. Their questions, thought processes, and amazing creations are always reminders of how creative you are.  Please, Lord, unleash your creativity in my life.

Today's workout:  WHFN Push Pull (yay, some heavy weights again)
PM Yoga:  YfSR, Easing Neck and Shoulder Tension

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some days it's just so much fun to see what the kids come up with~and other days it's a struggle to get them to stay on task.  Today was a little of both worlds.

Wes and Maddie had no trouble with their invention reports.  Maddie chose Beatrice Kenner, an African-American woman who had at least 5 patents.  She was truly amazing.  Tyler was dawdling terribly and finally chose to write about a kid who came up with an edible spoon for wet cat food so she wouldn't have to clean the spoon off, that was too funny~and true.

Finally everyone settled down to Math, piano, etc.  Wes and Tyler are reading The Number Devil, a story about a kid who hates math.  It's filled with humor AND advanced math concepts.  Ty especially can't put it down~and Wes wants him to give it back to him.

After piano, Dollar General for Tom, and the Thrift Bread store, we finally got home for an hour or so before church.  Ty went to church with Garrison, his homeschool buddy, and had a great time.  He was pretty happy because he missed chili night at church~and he hates chili!

As I sat on the kids' piano teacher's porch during their lessons, I studied my Bible study lesson on the power of God.  You know, in Ephesians Paul says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in us.  Can you imagine?  When is the last time you prayed not just for God to give you strength but to give you power, to unleash that power through you?  I want to pray that~and often.  I don't want to just make it through life but to see God's power working through me to reach other people out there who are dying without him.  How about you?  Wanna pray that prayer with me?  Who knows what we can start?  What serendipities we can experience?  I for one want to find out.

Today's workout:  Powerfit Harmony Cardio, Move it!; WHFN Floor Burn
PM Yoga:  YfSR, Neck and Back Tension, passive stretch.  That was so wonderful I could seriously have fallen asleep on my mat.  Aahhhh.....

What I'm reading:  Becoming a Vessel of God's Power, Donna Partow (I think this will be the Bible study I begin leading with a small group of women next month).

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's so nice to get up and have such cool temps when I walk Rocky.  I don't know who was sassier today, the dog or me~just kidding. 

After the kids and I got some chores done, we headed out to the library. We picked up some books for the next couple of weeks special homeschool focus and they got some things they're wanting to look at.  Tyler's latest interest is books on card games; Wes is into learning more about C++ computer programming, which I know NOTHING about; Maddie is into fall crafts.

When we got home, individual work was quickly done on math and then the kids began looking at 20th century inventors.  Wes chose the man who invented the TV and Maddie and Ty kept their choices quiet.  I'll find out tomorrow when their two paragraphs on the inventor's life and invention are given to me.

This afternoon we had to be outdoors so we read on the porch, walked the dogs again, etc.  Now we're gearing down for a night of Wes' scouts and then some relaxation.

Today's workout:  WHFN Flexposture~55 minutes of pilates, yoga, and barefoot cardio
PM Yoga: Ruah Warrior, yoga stretch and savasana (relaxation pose, one of my favorites!!)

Monday, September 27, 2010

You probably notice I don't post much over the weekend.  I just get busy with other things and don't make it a priority.  But that doesn't mean things aren't happening or we aren't learning all the time.

This weekend Ty went on a camp out with his Weeblos pack from early Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon.  It was the first time he was old enough to go without a parent and he had a BLAST!

Maddie and Wes went to help pack up food packets with Tom and the rest of the youth and they got to see some Christian bands play~including House of Thomas, the band from our River of Life Mission Trip retreat.  Wes and his friend Josh have a relationship with the drummer, Brandon~they "talk" to him frequently on Facebook, etc.  So, he got them up on stage to dance with another band and they got free T-shirts.  Wes is usually so reserved, I'd have given anything to see that.

Yesterday was usual church stuff and a Children's Council meeting in the evening.  Tom has Charge Conference on Wednesday and an all day District Meeting today that has been hosted at our church, as the District Supt. asked him to do this.  I will be so relieved on Thursday when he can relax and take a day off!

Today we did the normal work in our Comprehensive and Math Books and Test prep stuff.  It was raining early but I got a walk in with Rocky between storms and now it's sunny.  After lunch, we watched the last Universe of the season, on the future demise of the Sun.  We discussed nuclear fusion and the possibilities to harness it, solar power and how vital it is to life, and how we can see God in all things, even when others can't.  The kids just can't believe it's a coincidence that the earth just "happens" to be in the habital zone of the Solar System, with just the right minerals, pressure, atmosphere, and all the zillions of other things that make our planet able to sustain life.

You know, the Bible discusses this. It says in the first chapter of Romans God leaves his fingerprints throughout nature. Paul discusses how things we see so clearly are "foolishness" to those without the Holy Spirit because they must be spiritually discerned. 

Father, enable me to never worry about what the experts say but to totally lean on the Holy Spirit to to teach me all truth.  Like the sky after the rain, things are crystal clear only when you hold back the curtain of human confusion and flood us with your Sonlight.

Saturday's workout:  Leslie Sansone 2 mile Nutrisystem Woman's Walk
PM Yoga:  10 Minute Solution Yoga Relaxation section

Sunday's workout:  Rest day
PM Yoga:  Yoga for Stress Relief, Serenity in Stillness

Today's workout:  WHFN Fitprime Lean
PM Yoga:  YfSR Letting Go of your Day

What I'm reading:  Finishing Max Lucado and Eat the Cookie, Wear the Shoes

Friday, September 24, 2010

We had our first homeschool co-op for the year and the kids enjoyed it a lot.  Maddie and Wes had courses in Drawing, Theater, Old Testament Battles and PE. Ty's courses included Drawing, Manners, Christmas in other Countries, and PE.  It was good to see the other families again and the kids made some new friends, especially Wes!!

The biggest praise I have for the day is that our weather should be changing soon. We're supposed to be in the mid 90s again tomorrow~for soccer games, oh joy~but then slip into the upper 70s and low 80s for the next 10 days at least.  I'm so excited to see that change coming.

And, I'm grateful for some alone time that I'll get tomorrow. Tyler is leaving early in the morning for an overnight scout trip and Wes, Maddie and Tom will be gone from mid-afternoon until bedtime at a youth event.  Thanks God for the small gifts of stillness, cool weather. 

Tyler and I were talking today about how God will never change how much he loves us because of our behavior.  That's a really hard concept for a 10 year old to grasp but to be honest, it is often hard for me too~because everything in our society is based on how we look, perform, act, etc. 

So today, I am grateful to God that he is the same and will never change.  And I encourage you to spend some time thinking on that aspect of his character~I know that when we get even a tiny glimpse of that settled deep in our hearts, every minute of our lives will become serendipitous.

Today's Workout:  10 Minute Solution Knockout Body, Jessica Smith
PM Yoga:  10 Minute Solution for Beginners, Stress Relief Yoga

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm so glad Tom will be home tonight!  There's just something so good about knowing I'm not the only one here with all the responsibility~plus I plain 'ole missed him.

Today I gave the kids chores to do since we have co-op tomorrow.  On the one hand, I'm glad for them to spend time with other homeschooled kids~and get some really great classes.  Tyler will study drawing, Christmas around the World, PE and Manners.  Maddie and Wes will study drawing, theater, Old Testament Heroes, and PE.  But, I hate that it is on Friday now since Tom is off then and we enjoy being with him. We'll be there from 9 to 12:30 so we'll see how that works.

Back to the chores.  Maddie cleaned the kitchen counters and mopped the floor while Ty cleaned the bathroom counters and toilet.  Wes swept the floors really well.  The also did their regular math and grammar, etc.  I had to go to the store and also got a GREAT pair of nice jeans at Ross for $12.  I love Ross and TJ Maxx!!

After getting my workout in (my longest for the week, glad that's done) I ran to the bank for Tom and am now getting dinner before Maddie has soccer practice.  I also have to sub for a woman teaching the drawing class (I need my brother, I can't draw a straight line!) so I need to get ready for that.

Today as I read my usual Bible texts ( I read through the Bible in a year each year, using different Bibles and versions) I slowed down and prayed back texts and ideas to the Lord.  It was such a sweet time with him.  Father, please help me to slow down. With all the busy things we have to do, it's so easy to make you an item on my checklist. Never let me do that~but to know that every second I spend soaking in the beauty of who you are is more important than anything else I'll ever do.  And I need to dress myself daily in your armor to be prepared for the tasks you have for me.  That armor truly fits me like a glove~even better than a new pair of jeans. 

Today's workout:  Firm Super Cardio
Tonight's Yoga:  10 Minute Solution Quick Sculpt Pilates, Standing Section
                             10 Minute Solution Yoga for Beginners, Balance and Flexibility section.  I'm doing a focus on balance along with some friends on my Barefoot and on the Mat checkin at VF.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tom is out of town today and tomorrow at a preacher's overnight thing. The kids and I got up and it was raining, so I took Rocky on a quick walk and we fed the beasts, lol.(Lest you worry about the poor guy, the sun came out about 11 am and he got his usual, longer walk).

After breakfast we studied the chemistry behind why the leaves change~chlorophyll and other chemical reactions. I had no idea that the orange, red, yellow, or brown colors are always "there" , so to speak~they're just masked by the green chlorophyll. The kids found it very interesting that the trees need to convert things to sugar to function. "See, mom~everyone loves sugar." Typical kids!!!

We also learned that the leaves are their prettiest when the fall days are sunny and dry, and the nights are cool and dry. Well, if that continues to be the case here as fall progresses, we should have some pretty leaves.

The kids all painted some trees and leaves, even Wes. It's fun to see how differently the interpreted the project. And I love that Wes gets to do things that he couldn't in school~and doesn't think he's too old for them.

We also discussed paragraph topic sentences and all three had to write about "My most embarrassing moment." Pretty funny stuff.

This afternoon Maddie and Tyler and I went to piano. It was Ty's first lesson and the piano teacher was really impressed~she says he seems to have a good grasp of things already. He practiced before and after the lesson, so I think he'll like it.

We also had to run errands to the Bread Thrift store, library, etc. We're getting ready to leave for our church dinner and program~at least I don't have to cook while Tom is gone.

Today I was reading about the importance of obedience. This is a topic God is dealing with me on as Tom preached on it during Sunday's sermon, and the UMW meeting discussed it last night. So, I leave you with this thought, that speaks volumes to me: If we are to be faithful with much, we must be faithful with what we have...and right where we are. In the words a Steve Green song, "Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful." Especially my family, Lord.

Today's workout: The Firm Maximum Body Shaping
PM Workout: Yoga for Stress Relief, Tight Hip section

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm glad to see the end of another busy day. It's quiet and the dogs are lying at my feet, while the children are in bed for the night. These are some of my favorite times because I can listen to the sound of silence and I treasure that.

Tyler had a dental appointment and had no cavities. We're really proud as he's worked hard on brushing and flossing well this year. Maddie, Wes and I spent time on US History while Ty was at the dentist with Tom. We read about Sir Walter Raleigh sending people to the North Carolina coast. We also watched a Civil War Documentary on the History Channel on Fort Sumter and the causes of the Civil War. I think the children feel history come to life when they hear the stories of real people struggling with their emotions and feelings during the struggle~like Anderson, the Union Commander at Sumter, struggling with his duty to country and loyalty for his fellow Southerners (he was from Kentucky).

We finished our reports on the science behind our seasons today. When Tyler got home, he grabbed his Comprehensive Curriculum and Math books and worked without being told to~WOW, what a wonderful serendipity!!

I had to meet a gal for tutoring at the library and left the kids here to read and relax with some outside play. I stopped by one of the local consignment stores and got a couple of cute Ann Taylor sweaters for Maddie to wear to church for $1 each.

Tonight I ate with the United Methodist Women and got to enjoy some "girl time." Every mom needs this now and then! The program was on God being love and how that plays out in our lives. I was struck by the reminder that it's much easier to condemn practices like abortion and homosexuality than to do the hard work of figuring out how to love the people making sinful choices. And, how easy it is to condemn their sins but overlook mine. These are tough questions with no easy answers, and I pray that God helps me to be like Jesus when he said to the woman caught in adultery, "Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

Today's Workout: Firm Wave Rock Solid Cardio and Sculpting Stick Cardio Challenge Webisode
PM Yoga: Yoga for Stress Relief, Lower Back Release

Monday, September 20, 2010

Whew, busy times around here. This week we're learning through a Fall Unit study from Maddie and Wes had to read about how seasons occur due to the tilt of the Earth's axis and it's movement around the sun and write a report on it. They also watched The Universe on History Channel~the episode was on solar eclipses. They're all three planning to be in Columbia, SC on August 21, 2017 about 2:30 pm to see the next phenom in the US!

Tyler was working on the history of Jack Frost~a Scandinavian tale,~and writing using the Writing Daily Spark. He was writing sentences about Pit Bulls and other things, using supposed to in the sentences.

After Math, lunch, and reading time, we began some sweeping, etc. Maddie had given Penny a bath this morning so we decided to really clean the floors and get as much dog fur as we could cleaned up while she was drying on a towel.

I've got a busy week coming up with a step challenge through our pedometer company, Tom out of town for 48 hours, tutoring on Tuesday, piano for Maddie and Tyler (who wants to try it) on Wednesday, and Co-op beginning on Friday. Funny story~I have to lead two sessions of Draw Squad for the teacher who'll be out of town~and I can't draw a stick person!!

This is also day three of no artificial sweetners and it's getting a bit easier. Note to self: Next time you undertake something this drastic, make sure it's not during one of the busiest and grumpiest times of your month, lol. Thanks God for your everlasting arms that carry me through the busiest of times~and turn my grumpies into acceptance. That's truly grace.

Yesterday's workout: Firm Cardio Sculpt Blaster
PM Yoga: Prevention Better Belly Yoga

Today's workout: Rest day, yay! 2 mile walk with the dog this morning and that's it.
PM Yoga: Yoga for Stress Relief, Neck and Shoulder practice

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Today I got to sit out in the 95 degree heat and watch two hours of soccer. Maddie and Wes both had losses but they had a great time anyway. So, I came home, took a nap, worked out and cooked dinner....chili! I must have lost my mind, it's not really chili weather here.

Tyler and Maddie went to Zaxby's with friends, just the four of them. It's just 1/4 a mile from here but I still made Mary Madison take my cell phone. They came home just fine and felt so big, like they'd had an adventure. They're growing up so fast.

Tyler, Maddie, Wes and I read some today and, as usual, Tyler is full of information that he's been reading and teaching us all about clouds today. Now we're getting ready for church with showers, and settling in to watch some college football.

My favorite serendipities of the day: a cool morning walk the the dog, a cup of coffee while reading my Bible, and an afternoon nap with Tom~oh and Penny, who decided to hang out in the bedroom snoozing with us. Thank you Father for the little things that make a hectic life sweeter.

Today's workout: Firm Wave Rock Solid Buns
PM Yoga workout: Desi Bartlett's Yoga for Beginners, Lunar Practice

Friday, September 17, 2010

I got Tom up to walk Rocky with me today. It was really nice to spend time walking with him. BUT, he likes to walk longer. We walked about two miles and it threw me behind schedule but was so worth it.

When I came home the kids were just getting up~they'd slept in later because Maddie was out until 9:30 babysitting down the street. So I gave them their assignments for the day. One was to figure out what the HECK Tom and I found on our walk with the dog! It was about the size of an orange, bright yellow-green, covered with bumps, and oozed white sappy material. We figured out it was an Osage Orange, from a tree often called bois D'arc tree (pronounced bowdark) and is French for Bow wood. It was very cool, we'd never seen anything like it before. Here's a link to check out a picture, it's pretty interesting! I found out that horses do eat it, but not humans.

The kids also worked on how to make their diorama of the Battle of Antietam during the Civil War, as that was McClellan's swan song as a Commander of the Union troops. They got onto the homeschooling website we use, and looked up the material. Monday the have to make sure they begin the actual work on the project. Today we also worked on some spelling and looking at information on the speed of light.

I'm sure the highlight of their day was getting to sweep and do some chores before the weekend! But it's paid off and they won't have to come home from soccer tomorrow and worry about it. Tom has to do a funeral so I guess it will just be the kids and I sweating it out in the 90 degree heat. Sure am ready for Fall here.

Tonight I'm going to fix lasagna and plan to watch a Miss Marple movie with Maddie. The boys and Tom will probably do their own things, the don't like Agatha Christie like Maddie and I do~she's started reading her books too!!!

Thank you God for crisp, ripe apples, finding new discoveries in nature, and time alone with people we love. These are truly some of your best gifts to us.

Today's Workout: Firm Advanced Cardio Blast
PM Yoga Workout: Firm Slim Solutions Yoga for Beginners

What I'm Reading: Max Lucado's newest, Outlive your Life: Your Were Meant to Make a Difference. Caveat: Don't read this one unless you want your mindset challenged.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Today was one of those days when Rocky was an absolute joy to walk!! I was just thinking about how he was turning out to be a really well-behaved dog. Then this morning I caught him tearing up an old sofa pillow. Sigh. Oh well, I needed to throw it out anyway, but it seems like it's always one step forward, one step back~kind of like me with the Lord, I guess.

The kids are doing some nature journal work today. They began by looking at some journals and why we should even keep a nature journal. I have them looking only at out yard because they need to know that nature exists here~where they live, right now, regardless of the seasons. Wes has picked a Cleveland pear tree and Maddie and Tyler are still working on theirs.

We are also working on our history. Since the kids have been interested in some wars more lately, we watched the History Channel presentation of the Civil War on George McClellean during lunch. This was a particularly good discussion generator since McClellan has so many gifts but was also plagued by fear and pride. And, by listening to a lot of bad advice. We're not often given such a clear picture of how our decisions impact us, and those around us!!

We're exploring dioramas, thinking about making one for a Civil War battlefield, should be interesting!

The kids finished some work in their books and then the boys had to clean the bathroom and Maddie mopped the kitchen. I gave the bathroom chore to Wes and Ty because they make the biggest messes in there~mostly Tyler! Wes is like having an adult supervise the cleaning though~I need to give him a treat for having to do that work today, lol.

Tom and I are going to dinner after we pick Maddie up from soccer practice, yippee! It will be nice to reconnect after a busy week, although Wes is urging me to not eat all my food and bring him home a doggie bag.

God, thanks that you will not forsake me and love me even when my behavior is more like a "bad dog" than a "good girl."

Today's workout: Firm Complete Aerobics and Weight Training
PM Yoga: Yoga Now! 30 Minute Core workout with Rodney Yee

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Today was one of those days for me. I'm very tired, cranky, and out of sorts. And, I didn't really eat as well as usual. All of that combined to make me decide to skip the church dinner tonight. Well, that and the pork chops they were having (I'm not big on pork chops!!). I've enjoyed the quiet, done a restorative yoga practice, and taken the older dog, Penny, and a slow walk through part of the neighborhood.

This morning the kids were finishing their final drafts for the state papers from their weekly writing project. We discussed grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors, and made final drafts. They also worked in their math books and comprehensive curriculum books. Maddie and Tyler played a board game, and Tyler has been studying some science books so he quizzed us about various topics related to air, water, and even saliva and it's uses!!

Maddie and her dad had piano lessons and the boys did some chores around the house for me and then did some building projects and independent reading.

Tomorrow I really need to get to the nature journaling lessons I planned for the week. They are from our curriculum website and really look like the kids will enjoy them a lot.

A big victory for me is that I had my prayer time again in the afternoon. Even though I was feeling "off" I just dedicated it to the Lord as an offering, even if it didn't feel very holy. And I know that his Word and time with him will never return void, so I know beyond belief I've been blessed.

Today's Workout: This was a semi-rest day so I did Yoga Booty Ballet Latin Flavor, a light cardio, yoga and core workout, done barefoot, Aaahhh... plus it's just plain silly fun.
PM Yoga: Yoga to the Rescue for Neck and Shoulders, Desiree Rumbaugh (tutorial flow).

What I'm reading: Finishing up Agatha Christie's Mrs. McGinty's Dead, for the millionth time. I'd started it last week and put it aside and just remembered it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Things are definitely getting busy, fall is starting back in full swing. The kids soccer is going on, scouts are more active, etc. And, I need to buy new soccer shoes, jeans, etc. for the season. Along with going to the store every two days to try to keep enough food in the house so the kids don't starve. Gee, those teens and preteens eat like truckers!!

Today we worked really hard on our math assignments. We also got our writing assignments for the week. Each one of the kids is picking a state to research and write a paragraph on. We'll then edit and make the finished copy. Wes picked Maine and Mary Madison picked Pennsylvania. Tyler is keeping his a mystery, that's just like him.

The kids also watched Pawn Stars during lunch and rolled some coins for the church. It absolutely amazes me how much history they've learned watching that crazy History Channel show about some men who own a pawn shop in Vegas. But, each piece that comes in to be sold has a story, because they won't buy junk there!

The greatest serendipity of my day was time to sit on the porch with Penny, the beagle, and have some extended study and prayer time. I'm convicted about how this has lapsed for me and I really want to commit to this. My Bible reading is going fine, I just need to make time to let God talk to me, and to talk more in depth with him. Maddie came out when I was about finished and listened in on my prayer time, it was a sweet time together.

Today's workout: Firm Webisode Low Impact Challenge; Karen Voight Half
and Half Low Impact Cardio
PM Yoga: Yoga to the Rescue for Neck and Shoulders, with
Desiree Rumbaugh

Thanks Lord, for the rhythm to my days. I get to wake up and walk the dog for a mile in the cool air; exercise to rejuvenate in the afternoon; and end my day with some yoga. I am truly blessed.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Things were crazy busy here this weekend. We had soccer on Saturday and were gone to a wedding all afternoon/evening yesterday. Tyler and I came back last night so we could take care of the animals while Tom, Maddie and Wes went to Atlanta to Tom's parents' home until lunchtime today.

Now Maddie has American Heritage Girls, Wes has soccer and Tyler has scouts. All while Tom's in a meeting, yikes. We did manage to get Math and Grammar and Reading done, but we felt more like carschoolers, running errands and doing schoolwork at the same time.

God thank you that in the midst of the busiest days, you are there and make your presence known~through a song, a touch, or shared laughter.

Saturday's workouts: Firm Cardio Overdrive
20 minute practice from Hemalayaa's Yoga for Everyone

Sunday's workouts: Solar Practice from Desi Bartlett's Yoga for Beginners

Monday's workouts: Firm Ultimate Fat Burning Workout
Karen Voight Yoga for Relaxation, from Streamline

Friday, September 10, 2010

What a fun day we had! Tom is off on Fridays so we snuggled and slept in until about 8am. I then quickly walked the dog while the kids were doing pet chores and unloading the dishwasher, etc. When I got home and quickly ate, Tom said he'd take the kids and I out to McDonald's. Yippee, coffee out and I got to read my Bible there. The kids had eaten a bit but were happy to each have a pancake as a treat.

While there, the kids worked on their writing assignments for the day. We were talking about the saying "You are what you eat." They each wrote a few paragraphs about the day they turned into their favorite foods. Wes turned into bacon, Tyler a carrot, and Maddie a piece of gum (I know, not a food, but she LOVES sugar free gum and pretty much eats anything)! Their stories were witty, funny and creative. Wes' had a dark side to it, I'm seeing the Stephen King influence!

I dropped them off at home to finish work in their Test Prep/Comprehensive Curriculum books and finish up some more extensive Friday chores. I got to run an errand to pick up a wedding present for Sunday and then we all had lunch. While I was exercising, Maddie got online and found the best sounding chocolate chip cookie recipe she could and made us several batches~wonderfully yummy.

After I completed my workout, Wes wanted to install a new computer game he'd picked up at the Thrift store yesterday and he played around with that while the other two played card games, their new passion. We all helped with dinner and cleanup and now they're outside soaking in the last bit of light before we gather for a family movie.

I'm so grateful today for the serendipity of Tom's offer to take us out. Yeah, it was McDonald's but it was a different place, away from the distractions at home. We could all focus on one another and really talk, laugh, read and write. We had some great discussions about what Scriptures we were reading, etc. God never let me forgot that it's not just the big things that make life worthwhile, and to find the holy in the everyday.

Today's Workout: The Firm Get Chisel'd, including the 15 minute cardio bonus
PM Yoga; Karen Voight Yoga Focus

What I'm reading: Re-reading Twilight Series Eclipse. Why? It was lying beside me last night when I wanted to read and I was too lazy to get up and get another book. But, I like to re-read books to catch nuances first missed so it's a nice, fun read right now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

I love having children who can take charge of their own education now~at least long enough to let me run out and get my hair cut and grab milk from the grocery, which is what I did this morning. We are attending a wedding on Sunday and my hair was way overdue for some attention. I talked to the stylist about getting some low lights in my hair this October. I've never done that but get tired of my hair getting really blonde on top and being dark underneath so we'll see how that goes.

When I got home the kids and I started looking at some grammar work in making nouns plural~using rules, deciding what words break the rules, etc. Wes decided to take a quiz on Egyptian terminology~actually I challenged him to it since he has studied it for years. Of course, he got them all right! They also did an Egyptian maze, the hardest maze I'd ever seen.

Maddie, Wes and I are also working in diagramming sentences. Not much fun, but still you learn so much about grammar that way.

All three worked in their math texts and we spent time studying history together. Right now, the older kids were studying Elizabethan history and the making of our American colonies while Tyler is studying the Elizabethan Era in his Story of the World. Funny how that's worked.

When Maddie left with her dad for piano the boys and I read a very simple children's book about Ancient Forest systems. We discussed how things work together systemically, instead of existing in isolation. We discussed closed and open systems and other systems in nature, (oceans, human body, etc.) Wes also looked up martens and reported on them as he hadn't heard of that animal.

We decided to check out our favorite Thrift store and found a new TV for us~it has a built in VHS and DVD player and seems to be nice. We have another older model anyway and it doesn't have the VHS/DVD in it, has no remote, and kind of whistles sometimes. It will be nice to replace it with something a wee bit better.

Now we're home from soccer practice and starting to wind down. Tyler just finished the fourth Percy Jackson book and is starting on the last one. The kids are cleaning up their dishes, taking showers, etc. I love this time of night when the busy part of the day ends and we just enjoy hanging out together, laughing and talking about our days. Giving us the rhythm of day and night, seasons, etc. is one of God's best plans, isn't it? He perfectly builds in time to give us rest, reflection, and focus on his Will. I'm off to soak in it and pray that you have a night of peace as well.

Today's workout: The Firm Cardio Core Fusion Cardio Mix (35 minutes, using 2 pound soft weighted balls for cardio)
PM Yoga workout: Desi Bartlett Yoga for Beginners, Lunar Practice

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Language arts, grammar, spelling...that's what was going on with the McElroy kids today. Math happened too, how could it not with our resident mathematician, Tyler??

We took a master grammar test online and found out what areas we needed to look at for grammar rules. The kids actually did very well and I was glad to see that. We read a poem about Fall and then responded with art work depicting fall scenes from the verses.

The funny thing is that Wes is usually reluctant to draw because he thinks his siblings draw much better than he does. He came up with a funny story surrounding his artwork, made it into a comical scene, and then said that his work made the Mona Lisa look like trash, lol! I was just so glad to see him enjoy art work and the creative process.

We also spent some time reading and studying history. Tyler is studying Martin Luther and Henry VIII and decided that Henry wasn't a nice person to be married to, imagine that???!!! The older two are studying American history and we're almost up to the beginnings of the colonies.

Tonight we're having church dinners beginning again. Maddie and Wes are going to talk to a retired math teacher in our church and do an interview soon with her for an oral math project about how the practice of mathematics has changed in her life~in school, shopping, and all sorts of ways. It will be a good experience for them and they will learn that other people have much to teach us, if we humble ourselves and ask them for input.

I enjoyed the Poirot mystery, although I didn't like how they portrayed Tim Allen and Rosalie Otterbourne. David Suchet truly brings a gift of emotion and compassion to Poirot, he's truly an amazing actor.

Thanks God for others you put in our paths to teach us, for the gift of learning as a family, and Wes' masterpiece about a "punkin" named Duncan.

Today's Workout: The Firm Jiggle Free Arms; 10 Minute Solution Pilates for
Beginners, Core Basics
PM: Gaiam Yoga Conditioning for Weightloss

What I'm reading: Hands On Math Projects for Students, Grades 6-12

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I stayed up too late last night watching Boise State play Virginia Tech in football but still managed to get up at a decent time. Wes was up within 20 minutes, way earlier than his usual schedule, I about fainted!

I'm trying to cut way back on my diet coke intake so I got a cup of coffee instead and actually enjoyed it. I also had a bit of iced tea in the afternoon and nothing else but water. Hey, it's only one day,but it's a start.

We decided to hit our books pretty hard and the kids got a lot of math and other regular studies done. Then Tyler was doing math tricks to wow us using multiplication and addition. He got the card we picked right every time, I think it was something he learned in Math For Smartypants by Marilyn Burns.

Then we sat down to watch The History Channel's latest episode of The Universe, which was on asteroids. Tyler then got out his coins and started making them into Jupiter, the Earth, the moon, and trying to figure out the odds of hitting each one with an "asteroid" based on their sizes.

After my workout, we took a trip to the library. Wes is deciding to try a Stephen King novel, they totally creep me out, but to each his own. Tyler was checking out books on ways to play solitaire, and Maddie wanted books on crochet. She's just finished her first scarf and is so proud of it~and it does look really, really good.

Tonight Wes has scouts and Maddie, Tyler and I are going to watch Poirot's Death on the Nile, I'd like to see David Suchet's portrayal of it.

Today's Workout: Firm Cardio Dance Fusion; PM Yogaish stretch is stretching segment of 10 Minute Solution Pilates for Beginners

What I'm reading: Joyce Meyer, Conflict-Free Living;
Agatha Christie, Mrs. McGinty's Dead, for probably the
millionth time.

Monday, September 6, 2010

We've had a busy, full weekend. The kids spent lots of time here on Saturday with their homeschooled friends, Garrison and Mary Jane. The weather was wonderful and cool so they were outside a lot, enjoying the break in temps. They played some games like Monopoly and Life as well.

Wes and I enjoyed the first weekend of College Football and our teams Kentucky, LSU and Georgia all won!

Yesterday we all went to church (except Wes, who has had a head cold). Then DH and Tyler went on an overnight trip with my in laws, while Maddie spent the night with Mary Jane and Wes and I hung out here.

Tyler decided to practice writing yesterday too. He found a book I'd bought on writing and editing and chose the subject, My Pet Cat Peanut. He wrote about it, had me check it for grammar and spelling errors, showed me the symbols he used to correct mistakes, and then re-wrote it. It's proudly displayed on my fridge, he did a marvelous job. That's one of my favorite things about our "learning lifestyle"~the kids don't know that they're not supposed to do something "like school" on the weekends.

Maddie mad a wonderful volcano that she painted and spent time with Tyler, Wes and her dad doing some baking soda/vinegar experiments using it.

I've also gotten some inquiries from women at church about leading a Women's Evening Bible Study. I'm so excited, we're going to meet at Barnes and Noble one Thursday week, starting at the end of the month. I'd appreciate prayers for just the right study for us, and just the right women who need this in their lives right now.

Yesterday, I was challenged in church to ask God to do "immeasurably more than I can ask or imagine." So my prayer is that God will show up in my everyday events, and be HUGE!!

Saturday's Workouts: 10 Minute Solution Rapid Results Fat Burner;
PM Yoga: Desi Bartlett Yoga For Beginners Lunar

Sunday's Workout: Rest day, but I did Desi Bartlett's Yoga for Beginners Solar
Practice before church

Today's workout: WHFN Strong Bear; PM The Firm Slim
Solutions Yoga for Beginners

Friday, September 3, 2010

Today was my fabulous Friday morning out! I got the kids working on some history that we needed to catch up on ~reading, writing, etc. And since Tom is home on Fridays he had them helping him with some chores and projects. I had time to run to the mall and get Wes a new pair of nicer flip flops on sale at American Eagle. I can't believe at 14 that he's already wearing a bigger shoe size than his dad!

I also did some shopping for a casual wedding we're attending in a couple of weeks. I got a great deal on a sweater and skirt and splurged on some American Eagle clogs.

I ran into a lady who works at Burger King and knows I homeschool the kids~we used to go to breakfast there each week before our co-op classes. She asked me if I would tutor her on Friday afternoons in English so she could study for her GED. Yikes, my husband has been praying for me to be able to do some things like this and God answered his prayers. Thanks, God, I think. Please be praying for me and for Debbie, that this will be a wonderful thing in her life, and in mine, in many ways.

When I got home, the kids were finishing up their work left undone from the week~that's what Fridays are for here. Then they were doing some reading, which we all LOVE to do. I got my workout in and then suggested the kids invite their homeschooled friends in the neighborhood over. DH then decided to cook a bunch of ribs and man, that dude can make a mess in the kitchen when he cooks, but they were a hit.

Tonight I'm going to curl up with a book and maybe go to sleep early. I love anticipating a longer weekend. Plus, the weather is supposed to be in the lower 80s the next couple of days, with lows in the upper 50s. What a nice gift from the Father before the temps head back up to the 90s.

Thank you God for time alone, time with friends, and time with family. And thank you for serendipities that give me a chance to serve you, even if it's outside of my comfort zone.

Today's workout: The Firm Slim and Trim Medicine Ball Workout
PM: 20 minute practice from Yoga for Everyone with Hemalayaa

What I'm reading: Eat the Cookie, Buy the Shoes, by Joyce Meyer

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Today was more math, math, math! Tyler is really getting to enjoy math, which is such a blessing, as he started the year saying he hated it. I am getting a lot of my curriculum ideas from this year and have found some books, games, websites, etc. that he simply loves. Today I got up later than usual since the dog kept me up last night and he was doing math problems from a library book. It was a bunch of problems related to a dog named Fred and it was hilarious!!

We also spent time reading poems this morning. We read a Shel Silverstein poem "Where the Sidewalk Ends" and then they each wrote poems about sidewalks. They were so funny and I think they enjoyed seeing how creative they could be.

After this, it was more math with some games the kids created. Wes and Tyler love playing Pass the Pigs and some crazy math-frenzied poker game with dice. Maddie and Tyler played Monopoly for an hour this aftrenoon, and then were looking into mortages and trying to figure out the best strategies to win the game.

Since their regular seat work was done, and I'd worked out, all three started bugging me to go to Happy Hour! It sounds so wrong, doesn't it? Our Long John Silvers has half price lemonade slushies from 2-5 and they call it Happy Hour. Anyway, when we got there the gal rang up our order at full price. She had NO IDEA what half of $1.79 would be and then told me, "I'm not good at math but am good with money~can you figure this out??" Now, I'm not a genius but how can you be "good at" money but not math, lol? The kids had a clear idea of why a basic knowledge of computation is so important.

Now tonight, Wes and I are excited to watch the start of College Football, the official religion of the South!! I'm grateful for kids who are excited about math, poetry, and football! Thanks God, for the small things I get to share each day with these children you blessed me with.

Today's Workout: The Firm Wave: Speed Slimming Sculpt; Rock Solid Abs
PM Yoga workout: 10 Minute solution Yoga Relaxation and

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's amazing how many things you can get done with only a really good book! The kids and I were studying the lost colony of Roanoke last week so I got a children's book from the library about it. We read a chapter today and then I dictated a sentence for the kids to write, spell, punctuate, etc. After that we picked out the parts of speech and discussed them. My youngest son Ty said, "We just did some history, spelling, handwriting and grammar in about 15 minutes? Awesome!"

We also spent time playing around with fractions today. The kids had a blast trying to come up with as many ways as possible that you can cut a sandwich into equal fourths. Even Wes joined in and enjoyed the break from the usual Algebra book he uses!!

Maddie also read aloud a book for younger children called Spaghetti and Meatballs for All by Marilyn Burns, author of the Math for Smartypants series. The kids thought it was funny and they all enjoyed the clear presentation about the difference between area and perimeter, and why you ever need to use that "stuff" in real life. I'm absolutely amazed how children's books make things so much clearer than text books usually do~and in a much more fun way.

Maddie and her dad had their piano lessons and the boys and I spent time reading and discussing what we've been learning. The also practiced skills of persuasion by trying to talk me into buying a $5 pizza from Little Caesar's for dinner, LOL!!

God, thanks for laughter, learning, and meatballs for everyone!

Today's workout:
The Firm Cardio Step Mix (an hour of step cardio and some abs)
10 Minute Solution Yoga for Beginners (pm)~flexibility and relaxation sections

What I'm reading: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, by Allie Carter. Yet another teen book about a 15 year old girl who attends a girl's school for the CIA. I finished the Percy Jackson series last night, and really enjoyed it!!