Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Some days it's just so much fun to see what the kids come up with~and other days it's a struggle to get them to stay on task.  Today was a little of both worlds.

Wes and Maddie had no trouble with their invention reports.  Maddie chose Beatrice Kenner, an African-American woman who had at least 5 patents.  She was truly amazing.  Tyler was dawdling terribly and finally chose to write about a kid who came up with an edible spoon for wet cat food so she wouldn't have to clean the spoon off, that was too funny~and true.

Finally everyone settled down to Math, piano, etc.  Wes and Tyler are reading The Number Devil, a story about a kid who hates math.  It's filled with humor AND advanced math concepts.  Ty especially can't put it down~and Wes wants him to give it back to him.

After piano, Dollar General for Tom, and the Thrift Bread store, we finally got home for an hour or so before church.  Ty went to church with Garrison, his homeschool buddy, and had a great time.  He was pretty happy because he missed chili night at church~and he hates chili!

As I sat on the kids' piano teacher's porch during their lessons, I studied my Bible study lesson on the power of God.  You know, in Ephesians Paul says that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is at work in us.  Can you imagine?  When is the last time you prayed not just for God to give you strength but to give you power, to unleash that power through you?  I want to pray that~and often.  I don't want to just make it through life but to see God's power working through me to reach other people out there who are dying without him.  How about you?  Wanna pray that prayer with me?  Who knows what we can start?  What serendipities we can experience?  I for one want to find out.

Today's workout:  Powerfit Harmony Cardio, Move it!; WHFN Floor Burn
PM Yoga:  YfSR, Neck and Back Tension, passive stretch.  That was so wonderful I could seriously have fallen asleep on my mat.  Aahhhh.....

What I'm reading:  Becoming a Vessel of God's Power, Donna Partow (I think this will be the Bible study I begin leading with a small group of women next month).

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