Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I stayed up too late last night watching Boise State play Virginia Tech in football but still managed to get up at a decent time. Wes was up within 20 minutes, way earlier than his usual schedule, I about fainted!

I'm trying to cut way back on my diet coke intake so I got a cup of coffee instead and actually enjoyed it. I also had a bit of iced tea in the afternoon and nothing else but water. Hey, it's only one day,but it's a start.

We decided to hit our books pretty hard and the kids got a lot of math and other regular studies done. Then Tyler was doing math tricks to wow us using multiplication and addition. He got the card we picked right every time, I think it was something he learned in Math For Smartypants by Marilyn Burns.

Then we sat down to watch The History Channel's latest episode of The Universe, which was on asteroids. Tyler then got out his coins and started making them into Jupiter, the Earth, the moon, and trying to figure out the odds of hitting each one with an "asteroid" based on their sizes.

After my workout, we took a trip to the library. Wes is deciding to try a Stephen King novel, they totally creep me out, but to each his own. Tyler was checking out books on ways to play solitaire, and Maddie wanted books on crochet. She's just finished her first scarf and is so proud of it~and it does look really, really good.

Tonight Wes has scouts and Maddie, Tyler and I are going to watch Poirot's Death on the Nile, I'd like to see David Suchet's portrayal of it.

Today's Workout: Firm Cardio Dance Fusion; PM Yogaish stretch is stretching segment of 10 Minute Solution Pilates for Beginners

What I'm reading: Joyce Meyer, Conflict-Free Living;
Agatha Christie, Mrs. McGinty's Dead, for probably the
millionth time.

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