Friday, September 10, 2010

What a fun day we had! Tom is off on Fridays so we snuggled and slept in until about 8am. I then quickly walked the dog while the kids were doing pet chores and unloading the dishwasher, etc. When I got home and quickly ate, Tom said he'd take the kids and I out to McDonald's. Yippee, coffee out and I got to read my Bible there. The kids had eaten a bit but were happy to each have a pancake as a treat.

While there, the kids worked on their writing assignments for the day. We were talking about the saying "You are what you eat." They each wrote a few paragraphs about the day they turned into their favorite foods. Wes turned into bacon, Tyler a carrot, and Maddie a piece of gum (I know, not a food, but she LOVES sugar free gum and pretty much eats anything)! Their stories were witty, funny and creative. Wes' had a dark side to it, I'm seeing the Stephen King influence!

I dropped them off at home to finish work in their Test Prep/Comprehensive Curriculum books and finish up some more extensive Friday chores. I got to run an errand to pick up a wedding present for Sunday and then we all had lunch. While I was exercising, Maddie got online and found the best sounding chocolate chip cookie recipe she could and made us several batches~wonderfully yummy.

After I completed my workout, Wes wanted to install a new computer game he'd picked up at the Thrift store yesterday and he played around with that while the other two played card games, their new passion. We all helped with dinner and cleanup and now they're outside soaking in the last bit of light before we gather for a family movie.

I'm so grateful today for the serendipity of Tom's offer to take us out. Yeah, it was McDonald's but it was a different place, away from the distractions at home. We could all focus on one another and really talk, laugh, read and write. We had some great discussions about what Scriptures we were reading, etc. God never let me forgot that it's not just the big things that make life worthwhile, and to find the holy in the everyday.

Today's Workout: The Firm Get Chisel'd, including the 15 minute cardio bonus
PM Yoga; Karen Voight Yoga Focus

What I'm reading: Re-reading Twilight Series Eclipse. Why? It was lying beside me last night when I wanted to read and I was too lazy to get up and get another book. But, I like to re-read books to catch nuances first missed so it's a nice, fun read right now.

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