Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The kids are all at Youth Group.  I just finished grading Tyler's papers, printing out his math work for tomorrow, and going over Maddie's geometry lesson and work for tomorrow. I get to walk the dog and then relax for the evening. The house is quiet and once again I am grateful to God for another day where we learned, grew, and did life together.

Oh, some fun pictures from my SIL Leslie's 50th Birthday Bash at the end of July.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Wow, what a weekend. Wes' team played football Friday night against a team from SC that won an 8 man national championship tourney two years in a row.  You can probably guess the results of THAT one. Saturday my Sister in law and Brother in law came up and went hiking with my husband and kids for Tom's birthday. I didn't go because I had a Ladies' Dinner for the women of the church. That was a blast. Yesterday we celebrated Tom's birthday with church, yummy Key Lime Pie bars, and dinner out for just the two of us. I now need another day off to recover from our weekend!

The good news is that we have a bye week in football.  Wes even got the day off of practice so he and Maddie went to see Alexis, their friend, play softball.  Ty has scouts and I will take a nice, long walk with Tucker while they are all gone. We've not had rain since Friday night.  To put things in "twitter speak" I am feeling #blessed #grateful.

You know how much I love my girl Jessica Smith, who does all the incredible free workouts on YouTube. She posted this picture of her dog Peanut today. Peanut turned 3 last week but is wise beyond her years. So, I leave you with this thought for the day:

Praying you will find time to reflect on God's blessings this day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Maddie's Anne of Green Gables Unit Study package finally came yesterday. Yikes, it will be a lot of work.They really demand a lot of high school students. And Maddie?  She is totally....excited. She is looking forward to really pushing herself academically and has been having a ball. She has already done two or three days worth of work, plus her Algebra, Geometry, and German. She is in her element.

Yesterday she and Wes went to a church member's home and worked clearing weeds, moving dirt, etc. They enjoy doing it and the lady always pays them, which is a plus.

On the weather front, it POURED all a.m. and then the sun came out. Glory be, will wonders never cease???

Monday, August 19, 2013

I really need to make blogging more of a priority. So many things happen during our days that this is a good place to record them and see God at work in our lives.

Last weekend Wes had his first football game. The other team had been playing for 8 years and was much bigger than the guys on Wes' team but they had a good time. Wes did have one great catch and a run for about 35 yards, which was their longest gain. Most of the rest of the time he spent getting slammed by big boys. ;)

Saturday we spent time at a swanky resort here in town~kind of a time share community. The weather wasn't nice at all. It was cold and rainy but we still went swimming in the indoor pool, played miniature golf, etc. It was for local pastoral families and hosted by a man in our area. So kind and such a nice treat!

Sunday the kids had youth most of the day and Tom had meetings all day. That meant mom got time to hang out at home alone with full control of the remote. A rare treat.  I watched an Agatha Christie movie and relaxed a bit with the cats. :D

Today I went to the dentist and my new crown actually fit. I'm so glad I don't have to go back in two weeks...again.

The kids are enjoying their school work and making progress. Wes is studying Anatomy and Physiology as his science this year and likes that as his friend Alexis is taking that course too.  He also has literature and composition, Algebra II, German, US History, and is doing some geography and astronomy as well. Maddie is studying Geometry, World History, Biology, and German, and is doing her literature, composition, some art and science with her Unit Study. Ty is having a blast running a "bookstore" to practice math skills, along with his regular load of work and unit study.

Funny story. Ty had to make homemade modeling clay and sculpt one of the creatures the White Witch turned into a statue in The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.  And the funny thing is that has been his hardest assignment!  He has had the devil of the time getting that giant to stay together but it's finally taking shape.

God is good, isn't he?  And I continue to praise him, even though the weather has been extremely gray and overcast since last Thursday. When the sun finally comes out again and you hear screaming all over the US from a crazy woman in Georgia, you'll know it's me. :)

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Crazy busy weekend here!  Wes and Tom worked at a church work day all morning on Saturday. Tom and I got up early to hit Walmart before the work day to get a new printer during Georgia's tax free days sale. Wes' friend, Alexis, spent part of Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon with us too.

Yesterday Wes had football, Maddie went to the movie with a friend, and Alexis came over for dinner. Tonight Wes, Maddie, and another youth are at Alexis' softball game while Tom and Ty are working in the carport and back yard. It brings back memories of when I was in high school, running around with my friends and having fun. It also reminds me of the days when I had three children under the age of 5 and never had a moment to myself. Those days have flown by so fast and sometimes I miss them so much it feels like a physical ache.

But, God is good. I'm getting to see my children grow, spread wings, and become young men and women of God. That is certainly something worth celebrating.

This week I'm trying to take the time to think about and celebrate the fact that God is everything I will ever need. HE IS.  If you remember nothing else that I ramble about here, I pray you remember that.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Today I walked a mile and a half with Leslie Sansone and did a weight workout with Jessica Smith. Then I got the kids up to do chores while I showered. After that, Tyler and I went over the work he had to finish today and Mary Madison and I did a Geometry lesson together. I then took time to study my Bible and pray for a bit. 

When that was done, we were hungry for lunch and all wandered in there, making what seemed yummy at the time. Tyler teased me about my green smoothie while Wes declared it tasted like a dark chocolate shake, but with a bit less sugar. (It had mocha flavored almond milk, chocolate protein powder, chia seeds, a cup of frozen blueberries, and a cup and a half of spinach leaves).  

I went to my room to read and feel asleep. :o  It was only for about 15 minutes but I will confess it happens to me a lot. It's the price I pay for getting up early to exercise!  Then I went over lessons that the kids turned in I walked with Wes to get a hair cut.

Now all of this may seem a bit boring but I'm sometimes asked what a typical homeschool day looks like in our house so I thought I'd talk about today. You'll notice I didn't do much checking of Wes' work. He works online and we discuss things at the beginning, middle, and end of the week and he is pretty darn independent.  He did come and ask for my help with a couple of his Algebra 2 problems yesterday, and often breaks off to share some tidbit he's learning from a lesson that he finds interesting.  He's also my first kid up each morning and I never have to remind him to do his chores. The other two wait until I wake them, with Ty being the hardest to get going!  They both generally need 30 minutes of fun reading upon rising before they're ready to eat, do chores, talk, and start school. That's fine as it gives me time to check in with buddies on social media such as Facebook and Video Fitness, eat breakfast, and shower.

So, you've gotten a fascinating look at a day in the McElroy household. It's in the daily things that we do together, however, that memories are made. I wouldn't change a thing. :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Just sharing today's workout.  It's perfect for beginners and/or those wanting to move just a bit and get a great stretch to work out the kinks.

Okay, back to the McElroy house. Maddie and I had fun working on her Geometry. She also went to work at the Thrift Store for a bit. Wes did a lot of work before going to football (in the gym, as it's raining). Ty is about half way through his The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe Unit Study work. Maddie and Tyler also made some chocolate chip cookies and watched a bit of a a documentary on architecture.  All in all, it was a nice day.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weight Loss, Community, Fitness: How To Join Our 2013 Fall Fitness Chall...

As a lot of you know, I'm passionate about taking care of your body. So, I wanted to share a fabulous fitness opportunity with you.  It's all free and can all be done at home. What can be better than that????

I first "met" Jessica Smith in 2010 through her professionally produced workout DVDs. I've pretty much always exercised at home, except for brief stints here and there in a gym, or taking a live yoga or pilates class.

After I got two of Jessica's workouts in 2011 from her 10 Pounds Down series, I found her website and subscribed to it.  She had an incredible philosophy of exercising to be healthy, fit, have more energy, and be your best self. Not a mention of exercising to look hot, etc., which is so prevalent out there these days.

Then I "met" Jessica through her Facebook page. She has always been there for women, answering private, personal messages that come to her. We've talked about our fitness philosophies, families, and pets (she has the cutest dog named Peanut).  I have told people about her work for years now and Jessica has even gifted me with some of her DVDs for FREE as a thank you.

Now, she's putting out free workouts on YouTube!  She has a weekly class schedule to follow, new workouts each week, and fun challenges (like the upcoming Fall challenge she describes in the video above).  It doesn't cost you a dime(unless you care to donate to her so she can keep up with her equipment, etc. to make these great workouts).

I'll be doing her Fall challenge that begins on September 2. I hope lots of you join me as we seek to take care of the temples of the Holy Spirit that we have been blessed to live in as we journey thorough this life.

On a school note, day 2 went well. The kids didn't have cavities, but Ty needs braces for the same reason Wes did:  tight lower gum area so some adult teeth won't be able to come in. Ugh.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Day 1 of the McElroy Family Homeschool 2013-2014 is in the books. As always, it was an easy transition for us. The kids get up readily, do chores, prepare breakfast, and get to it. We've been doing it so long AND they're old enough to take responsibility for a lot of their work. It honestly feels like the golden years of homeschooling for us. I'm truly blessed.

Tomorrow Wes gets a break from football but only because he has a dental appointment~as do the other two.  I can honestly say I'm getting tired of Dr. Wall's office!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Just to end our summer, a totally random picture of Wes, Tyler, and some of their friends from our Youth Group being silly during their lake house retreat at the end of June.

I had to go to the dentist the morning at 8am to get my new crown set. After poking, prodding, flossing, pushing, shoving, and generally making my gum completely angry, my dentist realized it didn't completely fit. So, the dentist took another impression and off it went and my temporary went back on for at least two weeks. I don't want to have problems from an ill-fitting crown, but it was frustrating and made my gum sore.

But, such is life.  I've gotten my errands run, finished looking at some last minute details from school, gotten my workout in, and even had a short, 15 minute nap. Truly, God is good.

As I look back over our summer, I keep thinking of the word wet. We had more rain in July than any other July on record. Not the way I wanted our summer to end, but it gave us the chance to rest, read, talk, hang out, and dream.  Made me think of the lyrics to one of my favorite songs these days.  I pray they will bless you too.

Laura Story
Chorus Only

'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights 
Are what it takes to know you're near?

And what if the trials of this life
Are your mercies in disguise?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Quick post today.  I have to brag on my God. I was thinking I was going to have to pay $30 per month for Wes to do high school online and then found something very similar that he likes and it's free!  Maddie is going to do Geometry and Biology and a unit study that uses Anne of Green Gables that covers literature, grammar, research, history, etc.  Ty will be using a math program that is based on running a business; doing some pre-Algebra; and continuing his Chronicles of Narnia for his science, social studies, literature, etc.

We went to Camp Meeting last night and had a great time. Think we're heading out tonight too. Wes has his last football practice from 3-5 and Tom went with him.

Oh, fun thing we did was have lunch at the local soda shop. So much fun and so yummy!

Fun picture of the boys and I at Steak and Shake in Knoxville, TN, on our way home from Kentucky last week. Maddie likes to be behind the camera taking pictures. ;)