Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weight Loss, Community, Fitness: How To Join Our 2013 Fall Fitness Chall...

As a lot of you know, I'm passionate about taking care of your body. So, I wanted to share a fabulous fitness opportunity with you.  It's all free and can all be done at home. What can be better than that????

I first "met" Jessica Smith in 2010 through her professionally produced workout DVDs. I've pretty much always exercised at home, except for brief stints here and there in a gym, or taking a live yoga or pilates class.

After I got two of Jessica's workouts in 2011 from her 10 Pounds Down series, I found her website and subscribed to it.  She had an incredible philosophy of exercising to be healthy, fit, have more energy, and be your best self. Not a mention of exercising to look hot, etc., which is so prevalent out there these days.

Then I "met" Jessica through her Facebook page. She has always been there for women, answering private, personal messages that come to her. We've talked about our fitness philosophies, families, and pets (she has the cutest dog named Peanut).  I have told people about her work for years now and Jessica has even gifted me with some of her DVDs for FREE as a thank you.

Now, she's putting out free workouts on YouTube!  She has a weekly class schedule to follow, new workouts each week, and fun challenges (like the upcoming Fall challenge she describes in the video above).  It doesn't cost you a dime(unless you care to donate to her so she can keep up with her equipment, etc. to make these great workouts).

I'll be doing her Fall challenge that begins on September 2. I hope lots of you join me as we seek to take care of the temples of the Holy Spirit that we have been blessed to live in as we journey thorough this life.

On a school note, day 2 went well. The kids didn't have cavities, but Ty needs braces for the same reason Wes did:  tight lower gum area so some adult teeth won't be able to come in. Ugh.

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