Thursday, June 14, 2012

I was really tired today but continued to power through and got a lot accomplished in the kitchen.  I feel pretty good about where I am right now.  But the funny thing is when you hit this point in moving (about 75-80 percent done) then it seems like you still have another 80 percent to go!:)

I ran to four stores looking for khaki pants for Wes because he's in an odd size now. I couldn't find anything.  So, although he may be the only one, he's wearing nice plaid shorts and a polo shirt to the homeschool graduation and dance tomorrow.  The kids are looking forward to seeing their friends and saying goodbye.

I took Maddie to get her hair cut tonight too. Oh, she found the cutest dress the other day at a local consignment store.  All the clothing was 50 percent off so she paid $8 for a beautiful little dance dress in cranberry. She looks so grown up.  

Since I was tired and busy, Wes walked the dog and Maddie cleaned up some dishes for me.  What good kids.  Maddie also got to go to the home of a woman in our current church and they worked on some simple cooking recipes together.  She came home with a hash brown casserole and banana pudding to contribute to dinner tonight and a cookbook and wonderful casserole dish to use for potlucks  We will certainly miss the wonderful extra "grandparents" the children have been blessed to have in our church.

Today's workout:  Dance off The Inches Dance it Off and Firm it Up (25 minute cardio segment); TA Meta Ab L3D6.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just wanted to share a family picture that was taken after our good-bye reception at church on Sunday. The kids are growing up so fast and I'm blessed to be a part of their lives each day. And yes, only Tyler is shorter than I am now~and that won't be true soon, I'm sure.

Packed most of the den today and took Maddie to piano. I also walked Tucker for the first time in days since it wasn't raining.  My life seems consumed by a house full of boxes now and I'm looking forward to next Wednesday when the house will be emptied of them.  I always find the unpacking easier since I don't have to do it on a strict deadline.

Today's workout:  Dog Walk; Firm Power Half Hour (cardio and weight intervals); TA Meta Ab L3D5.  I've had a few people tell me they're impressed I'm still exercising this close to our move.  I tell them that exercise and my afternoon iced coffee are the only things keeping me sane and pleasant at this point, LOL!  Well it's those small things and the huge thing that is my Father and his Son, my Savior.  And they're the ones providing the small serendipities throughout my day that keep me going with joy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Running errands.  Making sure everything is done before next Thursday.  Phone calls.  Picking up boxes.  Packing boxes.  Getting bubble wrap.  Exercise.  Lovely dinner of homemade taco salad.  Sipping some tea in my chair in the evening?  Priceless!!  Thanks, God, for the gift of time. 

Today's workout:  Ramping Cardio Express; TA Meta Ab L3D4

Monday, June 11, 2012

We had a busy weekend around here.  Saturday we had dinner with some people from Cleveland UMC who happened to be in the area.  Yesterday was church, a farewell reception, and the annual Steak Dinner in the evening.  I did get some packing and work done on Saturday but nothing yesterday.

Today was quite productive.  Tyler and I boxed  up a lot of his clothes and found a lot to donate.  We cleaned out his desk, boxed things up, and generally got his room to the point it's almost completely ready for the move. Then I did the same with my bathroom and my knicknacks in my bedroom.  Now I'm getting ready to tackle the hall closet and will call it a night.

About 2:00 I did run to McDonald's for some iced coffee. As I said on Facebook, "When the packing gets tough the tough go for iced coffee." 

Saturday's workout:  Trudie Styler Weight Loss Yoga, 20 minute practice

Today's workout:  Jen Galardi's Crunch Latin Rhythms; TA Meta Ab L3D3.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Oh the guilt!  Oh the shame!  That's right, I've done nothing today in the way of packing boxes.  

Hey, I've gotten a lot done though.  I firmed up the movers and discussed options so the church and our family has the most smooth, hassle-free move possible.  I made some phone calls and took care of some correspondence.  I got my hair cut(long over due).  I took Maddie to the bank and Walmart and picked up Wes and Maddie from the movies after filling the car with gas. (Note to self:  Don't do this on a Friday afternoon. Too crowded, you know better).  I exercised and walked Tucker. 

And, I picked up pizza for the kids while making a homemade gluten free pizza for myself (my allergies will thank me as I indulged in some of Tyler's cookie cake that had wheat in it two days this week).

The boxes will still be there tonight.  And God's grace will be there too, helping me get things done.

Today's workout:  Dog Walk; TA Meta Ab L3D2. No time for extra cardio.  BUT in 11 months since I've had my blood work I've found out the following:

Total Cholesterol down:  22 points
LDL down:  24 points
HDL Up 1 point (it was good to begin with )
Triglicerides down:  10 points
Weight down:  12 pounds

Thanks God~you've helped me make positive changes and take control of my health!!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I've been bad about writing this week. It will be 9pm and I'll be heading to bed and realizing I've not blogged at all.  

The kids have been helping at VBS this week. AND, Tyler turned 12 on Wednesday.  He had a great day getting some wonderful games and eating at a buffet so he could have his pick of all the food, lol. And, ending his day with a cookie cake, my kids' favorite.

Yesterday we also had the District Superintendent (Tom's boss in the UM church sense) come walk through the house and today the new pastor came with her parents and sister.  Monday I had a couple of movers walk through and give quotes.  We finally got a mover, thank goodness.  Now I think everyone is done coming over to see how messy the house is, lol, and I'll get even more packing done.

Today as I was walking Tucker I thought about how blessed I am.  I have enough challenges and stress to keep me dependent on the Father; healthy so I can move~walk and exercise daily, which I love to do;  love from family, love from a wonderful extended family, including parents, cousins, uncles, etc. who pray for me; friends in real life and whom I've met online (through exercise sites, homeschooling,etc.); a home; a ministry; and grace upon grace daily.  

Thank you, Father, for your compassion and care for me.  Never let a second go by without my remembering that all that comes to me, no matter how it seems at the time, has been filtered through your fingers of love.  You are truly everything to me.

Workouts:  Monday:  10 MS Fat Blasting Latin Dance Mix (30 minutes); TA Meta Ab L2D9

Tuesday~10 MS Knockout Body (kickboxing), 20 minutes; TA Meta Ab L2D10

Wednesday~Dog Walk (it rained Monday and Tuesday); Jessica Smith's 10 Pounds Down Better Body Blast, Upper Body (cardio and weight training intervals)

Thursday~Dog Walk; Firm Cardio Party; TA Meta Ab L3D1 (yikes, she hits the ole' glutes in this level)!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Here is a picture of Maddie and Tyler last night at dinner.  I think they actually missed one another and yes, it warms my heart!

We fell in love with Cleveland.  And the house, church, and people.  Yes, there are many, many things we'll miss about Rome~most notably some of the loveliest people I've had the privilege to know in our church.  The beautiful downtown area where we walked today, with delicious snow cones and browsed unique stores.  The rich history here, particularly of Civil War times.  Our homeschool friends, neighbors, others we've met along the way.

But we loved the area we saw yesterday.  It's small, nestled in the mountains, and feels like home after 5 years in Blue Ridge.  The people were friendly.  The church lovely.  The parsonage so nice, especially with it's front yard view of the mountains and large back yard for Tucker to run in.  Truly, God is everywhere we go.  I see him in sweet faces remembered from past places; current people I meet; and in the faces of those still ahead to meet on our journey of ministry through life.

Thank you, Father, for the privilege of loving you.  Your people are truly what inspire me and bring me hope in the darkest of times.  You are so unbelievably good to me.

Today's workout:  Walked Tucker; walked all over down town Rome with my children and husband.  That's it for today.