Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Busy day here. Wednesdays are the days Maddie and Tyler have piano and we have dinner and Hanging of the Greens tonight.  Maddie also had to babysit for 30 minutes before piano and again tonight.  So we don't generally do a whole lot of creative things these days~it's enough to get our work done.

Tucker tried to pick a fight with Penny several times this morning and Tyler wanted to intervene.  I told him people get pet bites that way.  Penny, although 13.5 years old, can more than hold her own.  Tucker hasn't picked on Penny since he had that "vet visit", lol and we're pretty sure he was tired of being cooped up. He hadn't had a walk since Saturday with all the rain, etc.  So he got a mile walk mid morning with Wes and a mile walk about half an hour ago with me.  Plus some play time in the back yard.  He seems much more content now, LOL.

Today's workout:  The Firm Target Toning Zero in 10:  Lean Legs, Upper Body, Absolute Core; AMYFYW, Forward Bends; Tucker Walk

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Gotta say the kids and I were very disappointed we didn't get the snow flurries they predicted today. The ground is too warm for anything to accumulate so we were supposed to have flurries that melted when they hit the ground.  Perfect and festive for this time of year, right?  Well, it rained a bit this morning and then nothing.  Ah, well, you can't win them all.  At least today's high of 39 should be a thing of the past soon (mid to upper 50s coming our way) and the sun is expected to appear tomorrow.

I find the older I get the more fascinated I am with the earth and it's weather.  I love the cyclical nature of it all, the rhythm and yet unexpected events.  The cold snaps, warm spells, etc.  It just reminds me that the Father takes such care through his created earth to remind us that he is there.  Nothing lasts forever and even though seasons exist in my life God is with me and I will get through the struggles and the sun will shine again.

Today Wes and I worked on some tough Algebra; Tyler and I worked together on writing some sentences with compound predicates; and we talked about the elements of writing a book report.  I feel like I did more "hands on" work today than on some days and think the kids enjoyed the extra attention and help.  

We're eating earlier tonight since Tyler and Tom are participating in the Scout Float for the Annual Rome Christmas Parade.  Brrr, to cold for my blood but the "boys" always have fun at this event.

Today's workout:  The Firm Cardio Overdrive; AM Yoga for Your Week, Hip Openers.  I'm looking forward to a nice longer walk with Tucker tomorrow, yippee!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturday was much more laid back for the kids and I. Tom went to a funeral of the parent of a childhood friend.  The kids and I walked Tucker, read some books, watched some football, etc.  Sunday we had church and it was so nice.  Advent has started and our family got to light the advent wreath and do the readings together.

Yesterday and today it POURED.  It sure made it hard to get back into the whole "get up early and get at it mode."  But, eventually, we settled into doing regular worksheets, math, etc.  But, the most fun thing we did was during our Bible study moment.  We read Psalm 133 which begins in verse 1 with "How good it is when God's people live together in peace."  Verse 2 begins, "It is like..." and then gives a picture image of oil being poured on Aaron's head, dew falling down Mount Hermon.  I've asked each one of the kids to write THEIR version of the psalm.  What kind of word picture or image comes to mind for them of what it means for God's people to live in peace. They're going to share them tonight at dinner. 
So, the thought I leave you today is this:  what images come to your mind of God's people living together in peace?   And how can I, how can you, be a part of making that a reality in our little corner of the world~maybe even beyond?

Tonight Tyler and Wes have scouts so we've got to get out for that.  After that it's "hunkerin' down" to keep warm while the temps drop. Yes, I've been in Georgia long enough to pick up their phrases~although that particular phrase is usually used during a Georgia football games and goes like this:  "hunker down Dawgs."

Saturday's workout:  Firm Cardio Gloves Workout; 2 sections from 10 MS Kickboxing; Yoga Zone Yoga for a Healthy Back, practice 2; 1 mile dog walk.  

Today's workout:  LBN Strength workout; YZ Yoga for a Healthy Back, practice 1. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

The Moral of the Story Is...

Yesterday Tom noticed something sticky behind the refrigerator.  He moved it out to see what it was and decided to clean the area behind the fridge.  Lo and behold something burst on the line leading to the cold water for the sink and fridge itself.  He wasn't able to get it fixed so we turned the cold water off, used paper plates, and cleaned only the pots and pans after dinner. Today Tom and Tyler spent time trying to repair the problem and finally called our resident expert for the church, Mr. Tommy Jones, who told them exactly what to get. It was fixed very quickly then. Moral of the story is:  sometimes instead of spinning my wheels I need to ask the Father, my expert extraordinaire, for help!

Wes and Tom continued their Black Friday shopping tradition for the 5th year in a row today and saw a fight break out between two women in Kmart.  One woman was escorted out while threatening to finish what they'd started in the parking lot.  Moral of the story:  No thing created is worth that much passion!  The only way to channel the passion we have within positively is to lavish it upon our Creator and have him lavish us with his love so we can pour it out in his creatures.

Our Thanksgiving was nice with MIL/FIL and SIL/BIL being here.  I enjoyed fully being in my home and not having to drive anywhere.  For me the moral of this story is:  I don't have people in my home to impress but to bless.  If I'm focused on impressing instead of blessing then I'm stressing!  Okay, you get the picture, lol.

I pray you had a day filled with God's blessings.

Yesterday's workout:  LBN Strength Workout

Today's workout:  Kickboxing Mish-mosh.  The Firm Cardio Gloves Workout;  2 sections of 10 Minute Solution Knockout Body; AM Yoga for your Week, Hip Openers.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Busy day here. We did last minute cleaning under the directions of Sergent, er, Reverend McElroy.  Honestly, ladies, it's true:  No one gets the troops moving like a Dad.  We made it fun though~somehow we always do.

I realized I'd forgotten a few things at the store last night~am I the only one who does that?  I ran across town to hit IGA since Kroger and Sam's and Walmart would be nuts. Good call. It was busy but not bad at all.  Plus the people are so nice there.

Well, we've gotten the table set and peeled potatoes and put them on water so we should be good to go tomorrow.  I pray all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I am so blessed to have many, many people in my life who touch me in a myriad of ways.  Some I've known FOREVER, some only a short time.  Some family, friends, different faiths, different countries.  That is one great thing about the internet for SURE.  

So as I sit here surrounded by my pets and watching the sun set, please know I've prayed a prayer of Thanksgiving for all of you involved in my life.  You have blessed me more than you'll know.

Today's workout:  Early AM walk with Tucker again; 10 Pounds Down Cardio Weight Loss Mix(cardio and stretch); AM Yoga for Your Week, Back Bends.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hmm, I see I've neglected blogging lately.  Friday was our last day of co-op. I ended up getting stung by a yellow jacket on the finger and at a picnic after the co-op that pretty much blew the rest of my afternoon. Thank goodness Tom took the girls to the movie. And, thank goodness they let him hang out at the McDonald's across the street and work and didn't subject him to Twilight.

Wes had to spend all night Friday cooking BBQ with the scouts and I got him home about 2 that afternoon.  The rest of the day was spent watching some football and basketball.  

Sunday we had church but Maddie felt yucky in her tummy and stayed home. We took Wes' friend Josh to the evening service that was held with Second Avenue Baptist and had turkey dinner and then a great service.  Tom did a fabulous job with the devotional sermon, if I do say so myself.

Yesterday I ran some errands to Walmart, etc. and we cleaned a bit. Today I took Tucker on an early walk since the rain is settling in until Thursday, I think.  We ended up taking the whole week off from school.  I didn't want to do that BUT all the county/city kids are out so the children have gotten to spend time hanging out with their neighborhood buddies they don't see much during the school year.  We've also done some reading, taken a trip to Barnes and Noble to look for books, etc.

Workouts.  Let's see.  Friday~LBN Strength Workout; Saturday~Leslie Sansone 5 Really Big Miles (three miles); 1 mile dog walk; Monday~Results Fitness 10 Days to a Better Body~upper body (cardio and weight intervals, 35 minutes); 20 minutes of yoga using AM Yoga for Your Week~Twists; 1 mile dog walk;  Today~Results Fitness 10 Days~lower body (cardio/weight intervals, 35 minutes); 20 minutes of yoga~AM Yoga for Your Week, Forward Bends; 1 mile dog walk.

Off to go grocery shopping for our Thanksgiving food with Tom.  I'm most blessed as I'm making glazed carrots, spiced winter fruit, crescent rolls, rice casserole and mashed potatoes.  My mother in law is making the turkey, dressing, pecan and pumpkin pies, and squash and green beans.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

True confession time here.  The only true work we got done today in a traditional sense was math.  We also watched a part of a documentary on the solar system and did a lot of cleaning as Maddie has a friend or two spending the night tomorrow for her birthday.  I took the kids out for a treat and to run an errand or two and we walked Tucker and then it was time for dinner. Good heavens, the day flew by.

At dinner we spent an hour reading Tyler's Astronomy chapter for co-op. No it wasn't that long, it just spurred a lot of conversation. It was the chapter on the Moon and we discussed rotation, revolution (complete with the kids demonstrating it for Tom) and why we on earth see only one side of the moon. We also did some exercises showing how a lunar eclipse and phases of the moon occur, discussed tides, etc.  It was a lot of fun and some of our best learning occurs around the dinner table!

Tomorrow is our last day of co-op until January 20 and I'm ready for the break, although I will miss seeing the moms.  Then Maddie is going to lunch as Steak and Shake with some gals from co-op and we're taking a couple of them with her to see the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn Part I. Her friend Josie will spend the night after that.  Wes has to work all night tomorrow for a BBQ with his scout troop and says it's good timing~he won't be here with giggly girls!!

Today's workout:  Ellen Barrett Power Fusion (cardio, strength, stretch done via standing pilates and yoga moves). These pilates fusion workouts are always a go-to when I'm tired and don't feel like exercising (like today) but they are deceiving. If I concentrate on contracting the muscles I find I get a nice workout and usually am a bit sore the next day from working so differently.  Maddie and I also took Tucker on a 1 mile walk.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wes got a great report at the orthodontist and we don't have to go back for 10 weeks. Maddie and I baked cookies for a church dinner and program tonight.  We worked on more copy work from Ezekiel and looked up information on various grains mentioned in Ezekiel 4:9 (yes, that's where the famous bread takes it's name and ingredients from). Wes and I watched the second half of the Kentucky/Kansas game (came on too late last night). Maddie and I walked Tucker in between rain storms.  Wes began cat sitting again.  How is that for a very boring, very quick update on a day at the McElroy home?????

Today's workout:  Firm Cardio Gloves; 10 Minute Solution Belly, Butt and Thighs Thigh Slimmer; 10 Minute Solution Bootcamp, Upper Body.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I thought things would be calmer today.  It's totally amazing to me how quickly things can get busy.

I knew that piano had been rescheduled and that was on our "to do" list. Then the kids told me they needed to drop books off at the library that were due.  Okay, we'll squeeze that in.  Then Maddie did something to her phone that required a visit to the ATT store, a phone call, another visit to ATT store.  I also had to make a return to another store! Then I came home and helped Tom out by working on some of his papers that are due tomorrow. I am also having to do that some more tonight.  I think we'll both be happy when that is done!!

In the midst of all of this, we did get some school work done.  I decided to combine writing, grammar, and Bible Study by reading a couple of verses from Ezekiel to them and having them copy them down. We checked spelling and grammar and discussed them that way. Then, the looked up some various geographical definitions from the verse, killing a geography lesson in there too.  That is one of my favorite ways of homeschooling for sure!!

Tonight I'm planning on kicking back after helping Tom and watching part of the big Kentucky and Kansas basketball game before heading early to bed!

Today's workout:  A fast 1 mile dog walk with Tucker before the rain set in followed by 30 minutes of cardio with Fit Dance Jam (lower impact cardio kickboxing) and 10 MS Yoga for Flexibility.

Monday, November 14, 2011

After a busy weekend visit with my parents we were back at it today.  Wes had to take an Algebra test and Maddie and Tyler had some extra work to get done for co-op.  We also needed to get back into the swing of things after a busy weekend with regular chores and school work.  I encouraged the kids to do some reading of their choice, practice piano, go outside, etc. in between lessons so that made things seem to go by more quickly.

This afternoon I helped Tom a bit with his work for the All Things New conference he took.  I know that he enjoyed being picked by our District Superintendent for the honor of attending the conference but it has been a ton of work. He has pages of self-reflection questions to answer; a personal and professional mission statement to prepare; a personal values summary; a sermon he had to tape and triplicate; and two online personality and leadership profiles to finish. He turns all of that in on Wednesday and then sometime after that we both have to attend an interview process. This is all supposed to help identify people who would be good at planting new churches and determine what type of congregation a person would be suited for serving when they are next moved.  So, if you'll pray for him to finish all of this and write with clarity and passion, I'd appreciate it.  Poor guy also has a Bible Study to lead this week and his regular sermon on Sunday morning plus a sermon to preach at a combined dinner and service next Sunday night with Second Avenue Baptist. It's such a busy time for him.

Today's workout:  Erin O'Brien's Kristi Yamaguchi Power Workout (cardio and weigh intervals).

Friday I did LBN Strength Workout and walked the dog; Saturday was Dance off the Inches Country Line Dance Party and a dog walk.  No walk today because of rain and it's supposed to rain tomorrow and Wednesday too.  I'll just have to get my rain jacket out and walk Tucker or he'll be stir crazy after three days!!

What I'm reading:  The final book in the Iron Fey Series, The Iron Knight.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So, the funny story is that Tom and I don't go out to eat alone on dates much and when we do it's to somewhere "frugal."  Since our 17th anniversary is Saturday, we decided to go eat at one of our favorite restaurants, Santa Fe Cattle Company, for lunch. They have nice specials and it's much less expensive than dinner time.  Well, guess what?  They've decided to no longer serve lunch, lol.  So we went next door to Firehouse Subs. The subs were wonderful but the fun part was drink machine.  It's truly amazing. There are over 120 choices of drink flavors. For example, they had orange, cherry, vanilla, cherry-vanilla, lime, and raspberry diet coke. The machine is high tech and has a touch screen.  I need to take the kids there and buy them a drink just so they can play. Truly, it is the little things that please me!

Our church has its annual Charge Conference tonight along with two other churches in Rome. Tom is preaching for the service in front of the District Superintendent and the other pastors and is a bit nervous.  So, we talked about Scripture, following Jesus, serving him, the state of the church, etc. during lunch.  I absolutely love it when we take time as a couple to brag on the Lord!!

I ran an errand to get gas and pick up some toiletries for the kids later in the afternoon. The morning was spent on some different type school things(Algebra mostly), laundry, and doing some final cleaning.  And Mom and Dad, if you're reading the doggies got a bath today in preparation for your visit so we're all looking forward to seeing you.

Today's workout:  LBN Metabolic Cardio (cardio intervals).  No dog walk as Maddie bathed Tucker later in the day and I didn't want to walk him in the windy, cooler weather.  Thank goodness Wes walked him this morning.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's raining and supposed to be the last day of our nice 70 degree temps for a bit. I think the highs will be in the mid to upper 50s but the lows in the upper 20s and low 30s for a few days. That's pretty cold for this time of the year.

This morning I got Tyler to clean his room and then he and Wes and I did some dusting. After that came some algebra lessons, interspersed with motivating Tyler to do his worksheets when all he wanted to do was write his book!  Some days are just like that, aren't they?  We finished reading our Astronomy lesson for the week at dinner last night so today we watched a bit of a documentary on light (speed of light, etc.) during lunch.

Maddie and Tyler had piano lessons at 2:30 so off we went. We found out that they are being asked to perform for the church members along with some other children one night for Christmas. They're excited and I think their teacher will even have them doing a piano duet together.

Then it was our weekly trip to the bread store and home for a bit before church dinner tonight.  I'm looking forward to Thursdays being ours again since Tyler is done with soccer.

The big news here is that we're staying home and having our own Thanksgiving.  We've only done that once in the 17 years we've been married (17 years as of Saturday) and I'm so excited about having a relaxed, fun day.  Maddie and I are menu planning and I think we'll also go serve a meal at the homeless shelter that day as a family. Tom and I just think that will be a wonderful way to express our gratitude to God for all we have~by being the hands and feet of Christ to others.

Today's workout:  10 Minute Solution Knockout Body with Jessica Smith:  Upper Body and Total Body; Powerfit Plus Total Express (strength workout with a resistance band).  No walk for Tucker and I as it's raining, but Wes did get him out walking earlier.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another beautiful autumn day here in Georgia. It's in the low 40s at night, and low 70s during the day.  If it could stay like this all winter I'd be a happy girl.

Today we did a lot of writing and cleaning.  I also had to take Wes and Maddie to the bank to deposit checks from babysitting and cat sitting.  Other than that we tried to have a quiet day at home since last night was Scouts and tomorrow is piano and church activities.

Tyler has been working on his book and it's amazing the amount of grammar he knows from no formal grammar course.  His workbooks cover some basic grammar but other than that we've never used a true grammar textbook. He does enjoy reading some fun grammar books (Painless Grammar, etc) and has listened to all the Grammar Rock songs from my era over and over.  But mostly, he just reads a lot and picks up writing and editing skills that way.  The kids have picked up a lot of their spelling the same way.  Yes, one of my favorite things about homeschooling is lots of time to read, write, create, and think.  God has certainly been good to us to let us live this kind of lifestyle.  I'll always be grateful.

Today's workout:  Powerfit Plus Cardio Kick and The Firm Weighted Gloves Cardio Workout; 1 mile walk with Tucker.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The best thing about my walks lately with Tucker are the leaves. So, in honor of the fall leaves that are turning in Georgia, I am using orange today. Plus, it's Tyler's favorite color.

I am so glad the time changed. While I don't like it getting dark by 6pm, I love the sun being up by 7.  I'm not nearly as groggy or tempted to sleep in.

Today we did our regular chores and thought about some menus for the week.  I did the bulk of the weekly shopping this afternoon while the kids finished up their regular school work and watched Once Upon A Time, our favorite new show of the season.  (It's based on fairy tales).  

This week we're going to be working on paragraph writing.  I've got some forms to use and fun websites to explore so it won't be so boring.

The best news is that I also got a workout in.  Things are looking up in the McElroy household from a health standpoint.

Today's Workout:  Stephanie Huckabee's Powerfit Harmony Cardio:  Move it; Jessica Smith's Exercise TV Slim Down Fast Metabolism Boost (20 minute circuit training workout); 1 mile dog walk with Tucker.

What I'm reading:  The third book in the Iron Fey Series, The Iron Queen.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We enjoyed our day yesterday. Tom had a conference in Atlanta most of the day and Wes spent a large part of the day shoveling horse manure for another Scout's Eagle Project, lol.  He came home wanting a SHOWER!  We decided against soccer since Ty was still coughing so his season is over.  We didn't get as much out of it this year. Tyler has gotten much better but scouts got in the way. He wants to play in the spring and not miss any games.

I watched Kentucky actually win a football game and Wes' LSU Tigers won a nail biter last night in a much hyped 1 versus 2 match up.  He hasn't heard from his Big Daddy yet(that's what the kids call Tom's dad) who is a fan of team who lost!!  Nothing better on a fall day than chili and some football, right?

Today after church the youth went to lunch and then distributed food bags for a Thanksgiving food drive.  They ended the day at Steak and Shake for a shake.  Maddie and I went to Petland so she could purchase some things to set up a goldfish tank in her room.

The highlight of my day, of course, was worship.  It felt really, really good to be back among God's people.

I'm looking forward to a new week of school and some exercise tomorrow!

Friday, November 4, 2011

I think Maddie had a fun birthday.  Wes and Tom basically toilet papered the den with blue and pink crepe paper and blew up four large punching bag balloons and made a huge birthday sign.  The room looked really festive!  Maddie decided that school on her birthday was a no-no(since her brothers are out of school on their birthdays in May and June) so I let everyone spend time reading in the morning. After a breakfast of a family birthday tradition, of course:  Monkey Bread!

About 1pm we met my inlaws (including my sister-in-law) at Cracker Barrel for lunch in Cartersville.  We had lunch together and Maddie opened some presents, enjoyed cup cakes, and even got free ice cream and a chocolate brownie.

After that, we came home in the pouring rain and kicked back in the evening. Maddie wanted pizza for dinner, so she got it~oh to be a kid and eat cake, pizza, etc. all day and not be sick.  Then she played a card game with her brothers and watched a bit of a movie of her choice.

Today we had co-op and then I got a chance to walk Tucker for a mile before running some errands for Tom.  I'm looking forward to a warm bath and spending time reading my current book.  

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Busy, busy day here.  My daughter Mary Madison turns 14 tomorrow~where does the time go?  So, I had to run an errand to the grocery to order her cookie cake and then to Walmart to get what she wants for breakfast, lol.  I also had to take Penny to the groomer to get her claws clipped, run by the library, go to piano with Maddie and Ty and run by the bread store.  I had time for a quick walk with Tucker and now it's off to church.

I meant to post about my day Sunday.  As we were all a bit puny, we just hung out and watched a movie that afternoon. The funny thing is that Maddie, Tyler, and I played with play dough that Ty got from who knows where (one of those small party sizes) and colored in coloring books and had a great time.  I love it when my kids will indulge in simple pleasures like that with me~plus I just find coloring so therapeutic.  

I pray God grants you the serendipity of enjoying some simple things soon!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just a few pictures of Tucker. The first one lets you know he's photogenic; the second is wearing Wes' Wolfman mask; the last is in his bee costume he wore yesterday.  He and Tom took Maddie and Ty Trick or Treating last night and the neighbors gave him a costume to wear.  It didn't fit well as Gus, their dog, weighs 150 and Tucker is in the mid 40s, lol, but he had a great time.

Wes and I stayed home for the 25ish trick or treaters we had. We're used to about 50 but the previous two years we lived in the house Trick or Treat was on Saturday, maybe that's why.

We're getting some school work done slowly but Wes has a slight head cold too so things have definitely not been "normal."  Since I'm feeling better I'm walking Tucker about a mile every afternoon and hope to add some yoga into my routine soon too. That will be it for me until my cough completely goes away.

What I'm reading:  I can't say enough about this series.  It's a Young Adult Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa.  It's in the Harlequin Teen Young Adult Series and is about a 16 year old girl who finds out she's half human and half faery.  The characters are based on the lore from Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Definitely some romance but the majority is great action, adventure, danger, etc.  Much better than the Twilight Series. I've not enjoyed a YA series like this since Percy Jackson and Harry Potter.   Here's a link to the first book in the series. I've been getting mine from the library.