Monday, November 28, 2011

Saturday was much more laid back for the kids and I. Tom went to a funeral of the parent of a childhood friend.  The kids and I walked Tucker, read some books, watched some football, etc.  Sunday we had church and it was so nice.  Advent has started and our family got to light the advent wreath and do the readings together.

Yesterday and today it POURED.  It sure made it hard to get back into the whole "get up early and get at it mode."  But, eventually, we settled into doing regular worksheets, math, etc.  But, the most fun thing we did was during our Bible study moment.  We read Psalm 133 which begins in verse 1 with "How good it is when God's people live together in peace."  Verse 2 begins, "It is like..." and then gives a picture image of oil being poured on Aaron's head, dew falling down Mount Hermon.  I've asked each one of the kids to write THEIR version of the psalm.  What kind of word picture or image comes to mind for them of what it means for God's people to live in peace. They're going to share them tonight at dinner. 
So, the thought I leave you today is this:  what images come to your mind of God's people living together in peace?   And how can I, how can you, be a part of making that a reality in our little corner of the world~maybe even beyond?

Tonight Tyler and Wes have scouts so we've got to get out for that.  After that it's "hunkerin' down" to keep warm while the temps drop. Yes, I've been in Georgia long enough to pick up their phrases~although that particular phrase is usually used during a Georgia football games and goes like this:  "hunker down Dawgs."

Saturday's workout:  Firm Cardio Gloves Workout; 2 sections from 10 MS Kickboxing; Yoga Zone Yoga for a Healthy Back, practice 2; 1 mile dog walk.  

Today's workout:  LBN Strength workout; YZ Yoga for a Healthy Back, practice 1. 

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