Friday, November 25, 2011

The Moral of the Story Is...

Yesterday Tom noticed something sticky behind the refrigerator.  He moved it out to see what it was and decided to clean the area behind the fridge.  Lo and behold something burst on the line leading to the cold water for the sink and fridge itself.  He wasn't able to get it fixed so we turned the cold water off, used paper plates, and cleaned only the pots and pans after dinner. Today Tom and Tyler spent time trying to repair the problem and finally called our resident expert for the church, Mr. Tommy Jones, who told them exactly what to get. It was fixed very quickly then. Moral of the story is:  sometimes instead of spinning my wheels I need to ask the Father, my expert extraordinaire, for help!

Wes and Tom continued their Black Friday shopping tradition for the 5th year in a row today and saw a fight break out between two women in Kmart.  One woman was escorted out while threatening to finish what they'd started in the parking lot.  Moral of the story:  No thing created is worth that much passion!  The only way to channel the passion we have within positively is to lavish it upon our Creator and have him lavish us with his love so we can pour it out in his creatures.

Our Thanksgiving was nice with MIL/FIL and SIL/BIL being here.  I enjoyed fully being in my home and not having to drive anywhere.  For me the moral of this story is:  I don't have people in my home to impress but to bless.  If I'm focused on impressing instead of blessing then I'm stressing!  Okay, you get the picture, lol.

I pray you had a day filled with God's blessings.

Yesterday's workout:  LBN Strength Workout

Today's workout:  Kickboxing Mish-mosh.  The Firm Cardio Gloves Workout;  2 sections of 10 Minute Solution Knockout Body; AM Yoga for your Week, Hip Openers.

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