Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Funny picture of the day for all of my United Methodist readers.  Bet you don't have a cat as FASCINATED with The Book of Discipline as our cat Gracie is!!!  Sometimes we do silly things at our house.

Haven't the faintest idea why I didn't blog after last Thursday.  Just got busy and forgot, I guess.  We did have some things going on Friday~I remember Tom and the boys taking the dog creek hiking that afternoon.  Saturday we had a dinner at a member's house with other people~another "get to know the pastor" event. And, of course football!  Sunday was busy with church and a meeting that Tom had.

Oh well.  Yesterday we started back with school~a full week after two shorter weeks.  I had a lot of errands to run. The kids love it when I go grocery shopping. The stand over me like hawks watching things come out of the bag to be put away so they'll know what goodies we have to eat, LOL!  Tyler had a County Council to attend with the Scout troop to help with a merit badge and then he and Wes had a scout meeting.

Today I got my hair cut and had to go to the hardware store. We spent a good deal of time talking with Tom tonight about what we've been learning this week. The best presentation included a Lego Mario. He was used to illustrate the meaning of the words decapitation(loosing your head) and defenestration(being thrown out a window)!! :D

Friday's workout:  Tracie Long Endurance For Movement (one hour cardio/weight intervals); walk with Tucker; yoga on my own

Saturday~Walk with Tucker and Tyler; yoga on my own; TA Meta Ab L7D6; Jessica Smith Barefoot Cardio Flow

Monday~Tracie Long Mix:  Focus 30 Butt; Weightless (all body weight cardio and strength workout); walk with Tucker; yoga on my own

Today~Walk with DH and Tucker; yoga on my own; FitPrime Lean (warm up, cardio, stretch)

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