Monday, July 11, 2011

I should totally be embarrassed to admit this but I slept 9.5 hours last night.  I was asleep by 9:45 and didn't get up until 6:45, when I heard Tucker barking in his crate.  I let him out to go to the bathroom, and then went back to bed for another half hour of sleep.  I really needed to catch up as I'm a good 8 hour a night person and had been getting around 6 hours a night a lot of last week.  It felt great.  

Okay, in that vein, I have to confess that Tyler thinks I'm totally creepy.  I keep a little notebook where I track my life.  Seriously.  I figure if I don't have accountability built in somewhere, I'll just drift instead of using my time wisely.  So, I base my weekly plan on the following verse of scripture:

Luke 2:52 "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and with men." (NIV)  So, my little notebook is organized as follows:

1)Wisdom (growing mentally).  I have a place for each day of the week to write down something I did that day to grow in wisdom (reading, discussions, watching a documentary, etc).  Not my Agatha Christies, lol, something to challenge my mind.

2)Physically (stature)~this referred to Jesus growing from boyhood to manhood but I track what I do to keep my temple as healthy as possible. The sub sections here are:
   A)Workouts/Walks, etc.
   B)Hours of Sleep Each Night
  C)Food Log

I can look back and see if I'm feeling out of sorts how much sleep I'm getting, what I'm eating (this is great if I feel "off", I can check for things I might have let slip into my diet that I'm allergic to, etc.), if I'm moving enough, etc.  

3)In Favor with God~Spiritually My sub-sections here are:
  B)Bible Reading
  C)Bible Study

I have a spot to check off each day if I've had prayer time, read my daily Bible (I read through a Bible each year, Tom started me on that path) and Bible Study that I do Monday through Friday.  Again, a lot of missed checks staring me in the face may indicate why I'm short of temper, etc.

4)In Favor With Men~Relationally  I have a section for each day of the week to record something I did for someone else. I think it's very important not to take in from God without giving out~you become like a pond with a lot of  "scum" rather than a river of living water, coming from the Source of Living Water (again, I have my husband to thank for this revelation).

So, there you have it.  How I knew I was neglecting my sleep and what to do about it.  You may think I'm crazy like Tyler, or may be  intrigued.  I encourage you somehow, somewhere, to build accountability into your life so you can make each day count.

P.S.  Yes, some days I'm just lazy and completely admit it in my notebook.  In fact, I find nothing wrong with an occasional day of this, it will refresh me to no end.

Today's workout:  Kristi Yamaguchi Power Workout with my gal Erin O'Brien (intervals of cardio and weights).

P.S.  Tucker seems to be doing better.  Still sleeping resting a lot because when he gets excited he coughs. But, spitting up less water and eating and drinking.  

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