Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Well, after I went to sleep at 8:30 last night and slept until 6:30 I definitely felt better!  My allergies are still bugging me a bit but it's drying out now and that will help.  But, it's gotten really hot again~at least 83 and sunny feels really hot after the low 70s we've been having.

Today was a busy day.  I met a friend from church for lunch~can you say Mexican???  Yummy.  Then I took Maddie and Tyler to piano. While they were practicing I worked on our budget for a bit. Tom and I are neither one great at that but I said I'd take a first stab at it.  My secret weapon is my dad, whom I called and asked a few questions of this afternoon.

After that we stopped by the bread store and then I dropped the kids off while I made a Walmart run.  I then squeezed in a 20 minute hip opening yoga practice and in 15 minutes we're off for church program and dinner.  Whew~I'm glad I don't have to cook tonight.

The kids and I ended up doing some of Tyler's Astronomy reading and lesson together this morning.  It was funny to let Wes be the sun, I was the earth revolving and rotating around Wes, and Tyler was the moon, revolving around me and being sure I only ever saw the same front side of him.  I bet if it had been videotaped it would have brought some laughs.

Today's workout:  Amy Dixon Give Me 10 More Lower Body(not your same ole' lower body stuff and I felt it in only 12 minutes) and then KV Slim Toning on a Ball. Love that one.  I also walked Tucker for a mile and did Rodney Yee's AM Yoga for your Week, Hip Openers.

Oh and P.S. I ran to the store for Tom yesterday and got the things he decided to cook for dinner.  The kids LOVED it.  It was a strange combo to me but everyone was happy. Eggs, Pancakes, Mixed Veggies and Hamburgers, LOL!!!

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