Monday, October 4, 2010

I've been having trouble getting into the blogging world, for some reason~but now the technical difficulties seem to be gone! 

Over the weekend we had soccer games, church-wide yard sale, and the boys went with their dad to an amusement park in Chattanooga.  I was so tired Saturday that I took a long nap yesterday before Maddie and I went shopping for a costume for Halloween.

Today we got a good start at our fall cleaning.  We swept the whole house really well, all three kids did some deep cleaning in their rooms, and we did some deep cleaning in the hall bathroom.  The kids are supposed to do the cleaning in there but without intervention, you are soon unable to see out of the sliding shower doors due to soap scum~ya know how kids can clean!!

Mary Madison had American Heritage Girls and Tom had United Methodist Men so the evening was busy as well.  But, Wes is excited because he's now 5'4", as tall as his Grammy.  He's definitely growing!  And, Maddie is about a 1/2" shy of reaching me.

I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on the screened in porch doing my prayer study today.  The serendipity of a quiet moment with cool breezes, taking in the power of God's power and how to harness it to use against the Evil one is simply hard to beat.

Blow through our home, Holy Spirit~cleaning out our hearts of sin, yes~but also of those "good" things that keep us from receiving your best.

Saturday's workout:  The Firm Upper Body, no yoga, too tired
Sunday's Workout:  Rest Day.  PM Yoga:  Shoulder stand, plough, Happy Baby on my own
Monday's workout:  TLT BBBB~warmup with med ball and active stretch: Tracie Long Power Up, all
PM Yoga:  Crunch Candelight Yoga (one of my first relaxing, restorative yoga workouts, will always be a favorite).

What I'm reading:  Joyce Meyer Powerful Thoughts

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