Monday, May 9, 2011

Where did the weekend go?  Friday we had a regular school day with Tom presiding as I got out alone to run errands in the morning. Maddie had soccer practice on Friday night and Tom and Wes went to a high school baseball game that was over 4 hours, eek!

Saturday we had soccer games most of the day and then sat down to eat dinner together as a family.  It's so nice that Maddie is old enough to help in kitchen, she was a big help.

Sunday was Mother's Day and it was nice and relaxing. We had church, lunch, etc. I took a nap and did some window shopping on my own.  I bought a pair of soft hand weights for my Leslie Sansone workouts with the money Maddie gave me for Mother's Day!

Today was more school and Tyler took it upon himself to clean his room.  He looked up how to do it step by step on Wiki Answers, lol and spent nearly 3 hours cleaning and organizing.  He then had school work to finish.  He asked if I would get him a treat for doing this on his own and I asked what he'd like.  2 McDonald's Apple Pies for $1, too funny.  So, after we got done hunting books down at the library I did just that.

Maddie has soccer practice tonight (I can't TELL you how glad I am soccer is over after Saturday) and the boys both have Scouts. Thank goodness for leftover nights!

Friday's workout:  Kelly Coffey-Meyer Split Sessions, Lower Body and Floor work; Dog Walk

Saturday's Workout:  KCM Split Sessions, Upper Body; Debbie Rocker AM/PM Walking, AM workout; Dog Walk

Sunday~Rest Day

Today's workout~Erin O'Brien's Strong Body, Fit Body; Dog Walk

What I'm reading:  Hannah Whitall Smith's The God of All Comfort

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