Friday, February 4, 2011

Yesterday was a fun day for the kids.  I gave them each the option of picking a history or science project to do.  Tyler chose "Ten Questions about the Civil War," where you look up and write answers to straight-forward questions.  Wes chose Oceans.  He did a vocabulary quiz, and got them all right.  Then he did a more creative project where he chose what ocean he was (he was the Pacific). He had to tell countries he saw, other oceans he ran into, his deepest point, largest animal that lived in him, etc.  Maddie chose to look up information on China.  She took a list of words like pagoda, rickshaw, emperor, kite, panda, abacus...and had to write a creative story using all the words.  She did a FANTASTIC job, the story was too funny!  They also got their regular work done.

Today was homeschool co-op.  The older two have classes in PE, Chorus, Drawing, and Hands on Equations.  Tyler has classes in Hands on Equations, Origami (Wes put his foot down about chorus, and takes this with Ty), PE and Heroes of the Faith.  

I absolutely LOVE Hands on Equations.  Ty, as a 4th grader, can already do some complicated algebra problems using hands-on tools.  It tells kids WHY they do algebra, and makes it so simple.  When they have to do this on paper at an older age, they'll know WHAT they're doing and WHY.

On this rainy, sleepy day, I pray all who read are safe.  That the Lord is blessing you, keeping you, and making his face shine upon you.  And, above all, granting you peace.  And maybe, a funny story about an emperor loosing his abacus to read.

Yesterday's workout:  Powerfit Harmony Strong Pull (biceps, outer thighs, back, hamstrings); Powerfit Core Fusion (abs/core); Leslie Sansone 5 Day Slimdown, 1 mile walk.

Today's workout:  Ellen Barrett Slo-Robics from FitTV.  Ellen is a master at incorporating pilates and it's principles in all her workouts.  Her routines feel good and work you in ways that others don't.  I highly recommend them.

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