Friday, March 18, 2011

Sunshine, sunshine, 83 degrees.  What a great day. The only problem I've had is that it was busy.

It was errand day for me.  I left the house at 8am and went to Walmart to get Wes some soccer shorts and socks; the library (twice, Maddie had to go later, rolling my eyes here), haircut for Maddie, pick up dinner (thank goodness for Little Cesar's $5 pizzas), Kmart for something, and took Wes on an errand.  I just got back from taking Mary Madison to soccer practice too.

Since I've had this head cold, I really need to rest a bit. But tomorrow we have soccer games at 12 and 3, a breakfast to attend for someone in the church, and my in laws are coming to watch soccer and pick up the dogs to watch while we are out of town next week.  Sometime I need to do laundry and pick up the house!  At least we did some dusting and vacuuming/sweeping last night and today!!!

The kids did some work while I was running all over town and helped Tom with some cleaning.  Poor Wes got the task of helping Tom in the basement~never a fun task, I have to admit.

So now, I'm ready to just be still and know that HE IS GOD.  I need to quiet my mind, heart, body, and soak in his love.  That's exactly how I started this day and how I should end it~now how much better does it get than that?  I'm truly blessed.

Today's workout:  Erin O'Brien Strong Body, Ageless Body (weights), quickly becoming a favorite.

What I'm reading:  Got a new book from the library today called The Homeschooling Option:  How to Decide When It's Right for your Family by Lisa Rivero.  It doesn't matter if the book is for newbies, people considering, or old pros, homeschooling books are invaluable for motivation, encouragement, support and ideas.

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