Monday, August 23, 2010

Today was all about history. We studied information on the disappearance of the English colony at Roanoke and watched a documentary on it. The kids looked up information and each came up with their own particular "pet" theory, and why they thought that was the most likely. Then Maddie and Wes studied piracy and murder surrounding the settlement of our country, particularly in Florida. Tyler is studying Story of The World, Volume 2, and we looked at the issue of slavery in South and Central America.

What I didn't remember, and found so sad, is that African people were quick to sell each other to make money. Nothing is new under the sun, as Solomon said, and we've always had struggles with the economy, weather....and getting along with one another. Greed has led to so many of the most painful parts of our past.

That's why history is important. It has always been, and always will be, HIS story~because in the midst of the darkness his Light shines through, and people who follow Christ become true beacons of hope and change.

Tyler continues to be interested in math games, Maddie in her art and piano, and Wes is developing an interest in Astronomy. Tyler is reading the Percy Jackson series too and is working on writing his own book!

Today's workout:
The Firm Transfirm Your Trouble Zones~what fun using a 5 pound kettlebell for a change!!

What I"m reading now: Percy Jackson book 4, The Battle of the Labyrinth.

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