Monday, August 22, 2011

I spent part of the day working on contacting people to send Tom cards, emails, etc. for his birthday.  His sister Leslie came up with a fabulous idea for people to contact him so he gets at least 50 cards/letters/emails. I sent her email onto people in my contact list, Facebook, et.  Tom hasn't been reading my blog for a while so it will be my luck he reads this and it ruins the surprise!

Maddie came home from the White Water Rafting trip starting a cold, poor thing.  She stayed home from church yesterday and still feels a bit puny, although she did work on her pre-algebra and did some reading and drawing. They boys did some cleaning chores for me and some reading and school work too.  The day seemed to fly by so we didn't get any extra fun stuff in.  Now that we're caught up on chores we'll do more of that tomorrow.

Today's workout:  Yes, I have one to report, yippee.   I did Erin O'Brien's Postnatal Rescue (I understand that my youngest is 11, lol, but got this from and love it.)  It is mostly pilates based and is really good for rehabing the abdominal and hip areas~actually it's a great warmup for other workouts and teaches really good body alignment.  This was 12 minutes.

Next was 25 minutes of mostly seated upper body work from Leisa Harts Arms of Steel (the new one released a few years ago). I then did the 10 minute yoga section of the dvd and ended with hip openers and some foam rolling for my hip/ITB band area which felt great.

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