Monday, December 3, 2012

Here are my "elves" and the tree they put up on Saturday.  Looks like elf Junior is not happy(actually he had a ball and is just mugging for the camera).  Now if we can just find our angel that goes on top!

Last week we ended up having a basketball game, parade, decorating, etc. The kids had a blast.  I'm just glad they love to decorate as I don't like it. I'd much rather bake cookies.

This week we're pushing to get some work finished before the holidays. Wes is writing a paper comparing and contrasting the two men in Hester Prynn's life in The Scarlet Letter.  Tyler is petitioning us to pay him for school work since I told him that's his job as a kid and he says you're supposed to get PAID for a job. Oh Tyler, I hope you never stop being the funny creature that  you are!

Workouts:  Thursday~WHFN Lean; Friday~Ellen Barrett Power Fusion; Saturday~Holiday Workout(yes, it's a real workout); Sunday~3/4 mile walk to and from Burger King as I locked my keys in my car there in the morning when I ran there to get an iced coffee. Tom keeps telling me it's close enough to walk, lol~just wish I hadn't had to do that in my nice boots.

Today~Jessica Smith's 10 Pounds Down Better Body Blast (light weight/bodyweight/cardio and ab circuits).

What I'm reading:  I just finished Bill O'Reilly's Killing Kennedy. I've always been fascinated with the murder of John F. Kennedy and this book is well done and worth the read. It's historical but reads more like a novel.  I'm getting ready to read Killing Lincoln by O'Reilly but may read The Missing series book one Found first (a YA novel with historical settings that looks GREAT).  I think I need something lighter to break up O'Reilly's books.

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