Thursday, August 23, 2012

We are having MAJOR computer issues.  We can get on in the morning to early afternoon but then nothing will load after that. It's so frustrating to move to a smaller town serviced where they only give you a certain amount of mbs and we need a lot more to support all the stuff we have.  Sigh. We're going to see how things go this afternoon and may end up calling to see what we can do.  All of this is to say that's why I've not been blogging as much lately.  With Tyler doing most of his curriculum online, Maddie and Wes using it some for German and Math, I just don't have time to pop on until the afternoon, when things crash.

Another couple of meetings today~one for the church, one for finances.  This Saturday is Tom's birthday and we have a fun day planned at Lake Lanier.  It's a District Pastor's picnic and fun day and it couldn't have come at a more needed time.

Workouts:  I've been walking the dog and then doing 20 minutes of yoga all week. I've been using the practices from Rodney Yee's AM Yoga for your Week and so far have done Hip Openers, Twists, and Backbends.

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