Friday, September 6, 2013

I sometimes have people who wonder what in the world we do in homeschool. And if I tell them, it doesn't always seem like "real school."  Well, it's not. That doesn't mean, however, that learning isn't occurring.

I thought I'd share a few things that Ty was studying this week as they pop into my mind. It's by no means exhaustive~just some things I remember off the top of my head.

Aerodynamics of bees

How to make time-elapsed shots with a camera and how to calculate the time necessary for a certain number of minutes of footage.
The properties of the light
Refraction, Reflection, and Absorption of said light
How the eye works in the light process and how sight works in general
Scripture study of resurrection
How to compare and contrast two different story lines
Metric measurements
How to calculate sales tax, take inventory, re-order stock, and calculate profit and loss(he's operating a pretend book store this year as part of his math program)
Writing descriptive sentences
Typing practice
The history of knights in Medieval England
The code of ethics of knights compared to a biblical worldview
Writing a modern day code of ethics using the above info gathered
Art work using pencils, Lego's, and other medium
Studying Fractals in nature and a bit of the history of fractals
Reading literature for fun
Emailing a pen pal
Studying the different types of verb tenses (something he chose to do on his own by finding a grammar book)
Vocabulary building with about 25 different words defined and used in sentences

Again, not exhaustive, just off the top of my head. Oh, and having critical thinking and discussion lessons with mom at the end of each Narnia chapter of study.

I'm discovering that learning is something that goes on all the time. It's fun, an adventure, a challenge, and impossible to stop. God made us to be creative and enjoy the journey of discovering more and more about him and this world so we can know him and make him known to others. My children help me to do that every single day. And for all of that, and most of all for who God is, I will praise him forever.

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