Sunday, November 6, 2011

We enjoyed our day yesterday. Tom had a conference in Atlanta most of the day and Wes spent a large part of the day shoveling horse manure for another Scout's Eagle Project, lol.  He came home wanting a SHOWER!  We decided against soccer since Ty was still coughing so his season is over.  We didn't get as much out of it this year. Tyler has gotten much better but scouts got in the way. He wants to play in the spring and not miss any games.

I watched Kentucky actually win a football game and Wes' LSU Tigers won a nail biter last night in a much hyped 1 versus 2 match up.  He hasn't heard from his Big Daddy yet(that's what the kids call Tom's dad) who is a fan of team who lost!!  Nothing better on a fall day than chili and some football, right?

Today after church the youth went to lunch and then distributed food bags for a Thanksgiving food drive.  They ended the day at Steak and Shake for a shake.  Maddie and I went to Petland so she could purchase some things to set up a goldfish tank in her room.

The highlight of my day, of course, was worship.  It felt really, really good to be back among God's people.

I'm looking forward to a new week of school and some exercise tomorrow!

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