True confession time here. The only true work we got done today in a traditional sense was math. We also watched a part of a documentary on the solar system and did a lot of cleaning as Maddie has a friend or two spending the night tomorrow for her birthday. I took the kids out for a treat and to run an errand or two and we walked Tucker and then it was time for dinner. Good heavens, the day flew by.
At dinner we spent an hour reading Tyler's Astronomy chapter for co-op. No it wasn't that long, it just spurred a lot of conversation. It was the chapter on the Moon and we discussed rotation, revolution (complete with the kids demonstrating it for Tom) and why we on earth see only one side of the moon. We also did some exercises showing how a lunar eclipse and phases of the moon occur, discussed tides, etc. It was a lot of fun and some of our best learning occurs around the dinner table!
Tomorrow is our last day of co-op until January 20 and I'm ready for the break, although I will miss seeing the moms. Then Maddie is going to lunch as Steak and Shake with some gals from co-op and we're taking a couple of them with her to see the new Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn Part I. Her friend Josie will spend the night after that. Wes has to work all night tomorrow for a BBQ with his scout troop and says it's good timing~he won't be here with giggly girls!!
Today's workout: Ellen Barrett Power Fusion (cardio, strength, stretch done via standing pilates and yoga moves). These pilates fusion workouts are always a go-to when I'm tired and don't feel like exercising (like today) but they are deceiving. If I concentrate on contracting the muscles I find I get a nice workout and usually am a bit sore the next day from working so differently. Maddie and I also took Tucker on a 1 mile walk.
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