Gotta say the kids and I were very disappointed we didn't get the snow flurries they predicted today. The ground is too warm for anything to accumulate so we were supposed to have flurries that melted when they hit the ground. Perfect and festive for this time of year, right? Well, it rained a bit this morning and then nothing. Ah, well, you can't win them all. At least today's high of 39 should be a thing of the past soon (mid to upper 50s coming our way) and the sun is expected to appear tomorrow.
I find the older I get the more fascinated I am with the earth and it's weather. I love the cyclical nature of it all, the rhythm and yet unexpected events. The cold snaps, warm spells, etc. It just reminds me that the Father takes such care through his created earth to remind us that he is there. Nothing lasts forever and even though seasons exist in my life God is with me and I will get through the struggles and the sun will shine again.
Today Wes and I worked on some tough Algebra; Tyler and I worked together on writing some sentences with compound predicates; and we talked about the elements of writing a book report. I feel like I did more "hands on" work today than on some days and think the kids enjoyed the extra attention and help.
We're eating earlier tonight since Tyler and Tom are participating in the Scout Float for the Annual Rome Christmas Parade. Brrr, to cold for my blood but the "boys" always have fun at this event.
Today's workout: The Firm Cardio Overdrive; AM Yoga for Your Week, Hip Openers. I'm looking forward to a nice longer walk with Tucker tomorrow, yippee!!
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