Friday, September 16, 2011

In honor of the Kentucky and Louisville football game tomorrow, LOL.  I know it's not technically a football picture but I couldn't resist.

We had our first class of Astronomy today at co-op. Tyler loved it.  I don't have teaching or assisting duties this eight week period so I hung out for an hour or so helping set up other things.  Then we had our orientation.  I can't believe how we've grown. We had about 28 families in the spring and now have 44. The exciting thing is that we have a lot more middle and high school kids, boys and girls, which is great for Maddie and Wes.

After that was done we did some math, chores, etc. My kitchen floor is mopped and Ty cleaned the kids' bathroom, which was really needed.  They got that done without much fussing because they wanted to go out and swing on the new hammock type swing Tom had set up for them.

Tyler has been working on a duty roster for his camping trip next weekend since he was voted Assistant Patrol leader for the trip. He also has a camp out tonight through tomorrow evening as well.  He's also very excited that he's finally old enough to go on the camping trips without a parent.

As I look back on a hectic week that seemed to fly by in a blur, I am grateful to the Father who has provided all things we need.  As Wes has encouraged us all to study Astronomy and look into a telescope with him, we've all been looking up more, literally and spiritually.  The vastness of the sky reminds me how secure I am in the hands of a Father, who has an entire cosmos in his hands and still cares about the concerns, joys, and daily events of this homeschooling mom of three.  And that, my friends, is a cause for celebration.

Today's workout:  Karen Voight Slim Toning on a Ball; Denise Austin 5 Minute Target Toners:  Hips and Inner Thighs.  One thing I love about my workouts is that the more I get used to them, the harder the seem to become.  This is especially true of Karen's workouts on a foam roller or a stability ball (this one uses a ball). It has a learning curve but that's half of the fun to me!

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