Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I suddenly realized that the picture of Wes, Ty and I on the boat cut Tyler off when I downloaded it. Well, how about this as a good picture of Ty~eating his chicken, lol.  And, of course I had to put Tom in there.  He specifically wanted to eat at this restaurant in South Carolina, right across the border from the lake house in Toccoa.  They claim their chicken is "broasted", whatever that is.  I'm not a fried chicken fan but theirs is always really hot and really good. The skin isn't greasy, etc.  I always remove my skin but do admit to having a bite or two of theirs.  The next time I post a picture of Tom it needs to be flattering, lol. I need to get some from his 50th birthday on here soon.

Today it rained all day again, but it had slowed to a drizzle. I think our high was about 64 degrees~crazy when Saturday it was 97. I thoroughly enjoyed the change.  

Tom took his car to be fixed by our wonderful Christian, go-to guy/mechanic extraordinaire, Eddie.  Well, he already has it fixed and ready to go, thank goodness.  Tom had my car most of the day so we hung out here getting our work done and settling back into routine after a long weekend.  

Tyler has been into YouTube and has been making some movies/videos to post there~how to create Lego creations, Lego battles, etc.  Maddie spent a good part of the day after finishing her work reading a book and Wes has been checking out some astronomy sites, his latest passion.

Right now the boys are watching something I taped on PBS for them about old amusement park rides~Coney Island anyone?  They're fascinated by all the wooden coasters and how they were built without computers!!

Today's workout:  Gin Miller's Ramping Up Cardio (50 minutes); tonight will be Molly Fox' Skinny Jeans Deep Yoga Flow.

What I'm reading:  I've been neglecting this. Right now I'm reading this great book by Linda Dillow, Calm My Anxious Heart (http://www.amazon.com/Calm-My-Anxious-Heart-Contentment/dp/1600061419/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1315344045&sr=8-4)  I've had it for years and am re-reading it since I tend to be an anxious/worrywart kind of a gal. (Mom and Dad stop laughing and saying that's an  understatement)!  Thorough the grace of God, I've come a long, long way, and all the praise goes to him for SURE!  I'm also wanting to read Satisfy My Soul:  For I am Thirsty for Your Presence soon too.

I'm also reading through one of Leslie Sansone's books again.  I've been reading a Fitness devotional each evening lately as we all need the encouragement to find the balance of healthy living to honor God with our bodies as temples of his Holy Spirit.  Here's a link to this one, which also comes with a DVD.  Again, I've had it for several years.(http://www.amazon.com/Walking-Walk-DVD-Getting-Faith/dp/0446581046/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1315344369&sr=1-1)

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