Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A regular type of day for us here~except it was cold this morning.  It was 44 and is supposed to be 35 overnight. So strange for the beginning of May.  I'm looking forward to our more normal mid 50 lows/mid 80 highs returning by the weekend.

The kids got their work done and then did some extra cleaning for me.  Last night Tyler hit a cabinet with his knee and knocked off the door.  Maddie did the same thing about a year ago.  So, Wes spent time fixing it as he did a year ago. He is turning into such a handyman!  He's helpful for fixing things, Maddie is a great baker and home decorator and Tyler makes me laugh all the time.  Life will be very different when they're grown and gone!

In the afternoon we went to the library. Wes was checking out books on WWII and Space, as well as Mayan cultures.
Maddie is checking out books on learning French, and some math books; Tyler is reading books on weather and science experiments.  Pretty typical selections!

We have church dinner tonight and Maddie is babysitting.  I will probably spend some time reading.  I picked up Deitrich Bonhoeffer's Cost of Discipleship. Somehow I know it will be a "get in your face and convict you" type or read.  Maybe tonight I should stick with Agatha Christie and then read something heavier when I'm fresh in the morning!!

Today's workout:  Exercise TV Walking Shape Up Cardio Mix~Walk and Shape (40 minutes). This was 10 minutes of low impact cardio and then 10 of weight work, repeated; then I did the floor work and stretch from Debbie Seiber's Slim Series Mix it Up.  Nice workout combo.  Oh, and Wes and I walked Rocky this afternoon.

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