Sunday, May 29, 2011

It happened again.  It always does.  I took Mary Madison to the library yesterday, exhorting her not to spend too much time browsing. Then I'm the one who gets lost and spends too much time browsing!!  But I got a couple of great reads for this weekend and I'm going to have time to actually read!

Maddie is leaving for Camp Glisson today. It's a United Methodist camp for teens and she's going with a friend from here. They are doing Adventure Outpost where they will be rock climbing and hiking and sleeping in tents. She's really looking forward to it.

Wes, Tom and Ty are leaving for Atlanta about 4 today.  I'm going to stay behind and let Wes' cats out tomorrow a.m. (he's cat sitting this week) and take care of our pets. 24 hours to myself, what a momma's dream!!

So, whatever your Memorial Day plans are, I pray God blesses you with the little things. Time to read, a glass of tea or lemonade (it's going to be in the 90s here), and moments to soak up his immense love for you.  That's something to spend time delighting yourself in.

Yesterday's workout:  Leslie Sansone Burn and Sculpt (uses the Walk Blaster, an incline ramp, and light weights).  PM workout~Erin O'Brien's Postnatal Rescue, Progression 1 (yeah, I know my "baby" is almost 11 but it's a great 15 minute pilates workout) and Beginner Yoga Download, 20 minutes.

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