Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fun day today.  Mary Madison had to babysit from 8:30-10:30 for a year old boy.  She played with him about an hour and then put him to bed, while she did her homework.  What a gig, getting paid to babysit!

While she was gone I ran out and picked up my new supply of contacts. When she got home I asked the kids if they wanted to go on a "field trip."  I got a unanimous yes and off we went to Target, about 30 minutes away.  Hey, we talked about the types and uses of pronouns on the way, and light refraction, etc.  We also listened to The Chronicles of Narnia, Voyage of the Dawn Treader on the way home.  I got a casual skirt for the summer that I needed and picked up some sunscreen, shampoo, etc.  Then the kids and I stopped by the Goodwill and looked at books, etc.  They each got one or two~including one on Ancient Rome that we read a bit from today.   It's a great, inexpensive way to get some new reading material.

I just got home from the store and need to fix dinner as Tom has an early meeting.  Tomorrow we are targeting math hard and heavy, trying to finish out some school work. We're done with school next Friday, can you believe it?  This Friday is Homeschooling Group Field Day; next Friday is a field trip to a Civil War Battle Reenactment.  Fun stuff coming up!!

Today's workout:  Leslie Sansone AHA (American Heart Association) 3 mile Advanced Walk.  I did 6 weeks of only Leslie two years ago after we moved and I had tennis elbow and couldn't lift weights.  I burned out on her, lol, but now am enjoying her workouts again.  Low impact, fast and sweaty, and she's just plain encouraging.  Oh, and I'll walk the dog tonight about 7~it was almost 90 here today, oppressively hot!!

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