Today there were two extra teens in my house until nearly 4. They spent the night with Wes and Maddie respectively last night due to getting in late from the concert event. It's so nice when your children have great friends. I barely knew anyone else was here, lol. They all got along well and played games together and hung out alone some too. It was good for my kids to have that time with them.
As for Tyler he spent most of the day outside playing with his neighborhood buddies Louie, Andre and Anna. I'm just glad the weather cooperated and was in the upper 50s. Tomorrow should hit the mid 60s but, alas, more rain.
Tomorrow it's back to the regular school routine. We're all actually looking forward to it~at least I am! ;)
Today's workout: Brooke Burke Tone and Tighten (total body workout with cardio effect).
What I just finished reading: Princess Callie and the Totally Amazing Talking Tiara. ( I know it sounds crazy but it was really entertaining. Along with the dragons, wars, and danger you find in fantasy books (similar to C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia), the book discusses themes of loss of parent and feeling unloved and unwanted with various characters. Plus, the main character's best friend is a guy. Fun read for sure. So much so that I downloaded the second book in the series, Princess Callie and the Fantastic Fire Breathing Dragon.( So far there are only two books in the series.
For Sunday School we're reading another of Timothy Keller's books. This one is Counterfeit Gods: The Empty Promises of Money, Sex, and Power and the Only Hope that Matters( Keller's books are not for the faint of heart who want a "feel-good" book. They challenge our commitment to Christ at the deepest levels. I don't agree with him in every aspect (different denominational theologies) but I appreciate his passion and desire to tell people "the truth that sets them free."
A group of online homeschool friends and I are embarking on a Bible study/Christian book study together through a closed Facebook group. We're studying Being More than a Good Bible Study Girl( This study discusses how we can move beyond head knowledge and let God's truth penetrate our cores and change how we live. Should be a great time together.
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