Last week was spring break for us. Tom had a conference about a half an hour from my parents' home so we all loaded up and went to Kentucky for the week. We had a blast!! It was also really nice to get to celebrate my 46th birthday in My Old Kentucky Home for a change.
We got home yesterday just in time to watch the Kentucky Wildcats fight their way into the Final Four against the North Carolina Tarheels. That was a nail biter at the end, but I'm resigned to the fact that there are no other kinds of games with this crew.
Today we slept in a bit, being weary from 7 hours of car travel, unpacking, settling in, etc. We got some regular work done and then spent a good chunk of time at the library picking out some books for research and pleasure reading. We also enjoyed a low key afternoon with the books (except for mom, who had to go grocery shopping since the cupboard was bare).
So, even though it's gloomy, rainy and cool, I'm so grateful to God my Father for his gifts. Parents and my brother still with me to share life with~and they offer incredible support (yeah, even you, Mom, although you laughed at me taking a dive over the baby gate); a husband (who also laughed at my misfortune) who is wonderful, and three crazy kids; a home and a place to worship with a congregation that has to be similar to those that Paul found joy with in Phillipi; and so many more things that I just have to shout Hallelujah! Amen!
Workouts: Last week I did Powerfit Harmony~1 strength and 1 cardio per day, and 1 core workout.
The Saturday before we left, March 19, I did Weightloss Cardio Kick with Violet Zaki (kickboxing with 4 limb weight movement) and on Sunday, March 20 I did Weight Loss Cardio Sculpt with Violet~compound weight movements with cardio intervals.
Today's workout: Tracie Long Longevity Leaning Out (mostly weights, one cardio interval)
What I'm reading: Last week I read part of a homeschooling book by Lisa Riveo; Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie; and finished Guerrilla Learning by Grace Llewellyn. Right now I'm reading Agatha Christie's Mysterious Affair at Styles, Poirot's first case and trying to finish the Riveo homeschooling book (I think it's called The Homeschooling Option, I discussed it in a previous post).
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