Friday, March 11, 2011

I can't even begin to talk about the kids school today.  I just need to talk about my night last night and why my wonderful, darling husband took my two oldest kids to co-op today and gave me the morning off.  

First of all, I think Tyler has allergies or a cold.  Not sure which, he had a sore throat, is stuffy and blowing his nose.  This started yesterday so I decided to keep him home from co-op.  

Then, yesterday afternoon, Peanut, our half Siamese mean outdoor dude, came in the house and we noticed he has a hole in his skin. Yes, a HOLE.  On his side.  Tom said it looked like he'd been shot with a .22~but he'd be dead, LOL.  We treated it and I've had to keep him in and watch to make sure it heals properly and doesn't get dirty or infected.  So peroxide, neosporin, yada, yada, yada.

If that's not enough, Tom took Rocky out last night to go to the bathroom before he got in his crate about 10 pm.  I reminded him that Rocky liked to jump the fence.  He needed to guard the fence or use a leash.  Guess what?  Yep, off he went.  We couldn't find him anywhere and his collar has gotten old so his tag fell of earlier in the day.  

About midnight I decided to drive around the neighborhood and couldn't find him.  I was praying to God about it and pulled into the driveway.  I opened the car door to find the beast had come home.  I got him into his crate and he fell asleep, exhausted.

Not me.  I couldn't get to sleep for a long time, I was so keyed up.  

Finally about, 5:30 am, I heard Rocky crying in his crate. He NEVER does this.  I went to see if his paw was stuck, or something, and he came out of his crate and bounded up the stairs, to go to the back door.  Not on your life, bud~you can't go out and jump that fence and run around.  So, he followed me to my room where he proceeded to urinate ALL OVER MY HARDWOOD FLOOR.  Again, he's NEVER had to go out early like that, he has an iron bladder.  Plus the fact he was out two hours last night, probably lifting his leg all over the neighborhood.  RAWR!!

So, I cleaned that up, started some laundry to wash the rags, and heard the old beagle, Penny, wanting to go out.  RAWR again.  I took her out, and Peanut ran out the door.  I got the dog in, got the cat in, and was again AWAKE.  So I was up until 7:30 watching coverage of the tragedy of the tsunami in Japan, and praying for everyone involved.  

At 7:30 I went to bed until 8:15.  Then I helped Tom and the kids get out the door for co-op.  I walked the beast, er, Rocky, got some coffee and read my Bible, exercised, and hung out with my sick son.  So far I've not taken a nap because, gosh darn it, I want to sleep tonight, LOL.

There you have it.  A day in the glamorous life of a stay-at-homeschooling mom!

Today's workout:  Powerfit Back, Biceps, and Thighs; Powerfit Core Fusion; Dadgum Dog Walk!!
(He is so sweet and always comes home.  No one we know will take him, so I guess we're stuck with the beast.  Just goes to show you when someone throws a dog out there is usually a reason, teehee!!)

P.S.  RAWR is what one of my homeschooling buddies says when things don't go well.  I had ample opportunity to say it yesterday and last night!!

P.S. #2~Wes and I both have nasty sore throats so it's not allergies.  The good news is we still have a week before going on Spring Break to Kentucky so we should all be better by then.

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