Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Snapshots of a Wednesday!

1. Prayer, and Exercise are non-negotiable for Mom before the kids get up. Otherwise, they just don't happen.  You know the saying:  "When momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy!" ;)

2.  Kids get up, do some exercises, and shower. If my kids don't take showers they don't wake up. Wonder if other people have teens and pre-teens like that?

3. Chronicles of Narnia study time with Maddie and Tyler.  We're nearing the end of Magician's Nephew and today studied some critical thinking skills, the science of our atmosphere, and definitions and writing.

4.  Check on Wes and see that he doesn't have any questions. Discuss what he's doing and assign a short writing project. Wes is pretty independent so honestly I don't have to mess with him as much as the younger kids.  Maddie is independent too but she likes working with me more than Wes does~personality difference.

5. Talk with Maddie about her work. How is Algebra going, her history projects that were assigned yesterday, etc.?  Give her the same short writing assignment as Wes.

6. Bible Study.  Mom studies her Bible while the kids are working.

7.  Lunch.  Eating is also non-negotiable in my house. :D

8. Mom rests.  There, I said it. Some days I read, often times I take a 10 minute cat nap. Hey, I go to bed later than everyone else and get up earlier (well, Tom gets up before me)so I think this is a good thing.

9.  Study Tyler's Story of the World lesson with him and discuss any questions he has about his written assignments from Narnia Unit Study and his Comprehensive Curriculum pages.  End up looking at hilarious definitions he found in a Reader's Digest and reading them and laughing at them with all three kids.

10. Finish up work. The kids end up going to church early (they have dinner and youth there) and Mom looks over anything needed to do Bible Study that night.

11. After church events, RELAX.  Spend time with Tucker, who loves coming in to chew a bone or hang out. Get ready to go to bed, praising God for his grace and love showered on us.

Of course, in the midst of this, sometimes things come up and the day is completely thrown off. Tomorrow I have an early dental appointment and then the older two will do their volunteer work. Tyler has bathroom cleaning duties while they do that and often is working on PowerPoint for the 9am service. The kids also help with dishes, cooking (sometimes) and have rooms of the house they are to sweep daily~plus pet chores, etc.  No two days are the same for sure. And occasionally, we throw plans out the window and "unschool."  Those are some of the days we learn the most interesting things of all.

Okay, serendipity from The Magician's Nephew, for example.  The other day our chapter was talking about an animal named a Tapir. None of us knew what it was so we looked it up. We even got Wes and discussed types of tapirs, locations, food, etc.  Mainly we just talked about how crazy they looked. I mean come on, check this out!

So, there you have it. A look at our day today.  I'm grateful to God for the privilege of living this life with my children.

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