Saturday, July 21, 2012

My ABSOLUTE favorite picture of Penny and me, taken last December.  It sounds funny to say that she was one of my dearest friends but it's true.  In fact, I want to love Jesus the way Penny loved me.  Unconditionally.

We were very attached to one another.  She would follow me with her eyes, right until the end, wanting to watch and know where I was.  Even yesterday, she would get up and come to be in the same room with me, even though she was weak and it cost her in terms of comfort and energy.

In fact, for the last 2.5 years that she was primarily and indoor doggie, she loved to be with me.  She would follow me through the house when I left the room, if possible. She wanted to know where I was and what I was doing.  She let me pet and kiss her nose and paws (and no one else was allowed to do that).

I want to have my eyes on Jesus constantly. I want to have a deep need to be wherever he is, following hard on his heels.  I want to feel safe in his presence and know every need I have, be it affection, comfort, food, living water, or even a walk outdoors, is to be found in him.

Thank you, Penny, for the way you loved me.  Fully. Without condition.  All-out.  And thank you for the lessons of grace and faith you taught me.  Truly, you were one in a million and I "return you to your Sender," with gratitude and love.

Today's workout:  Early morning mile walk with Tucker.  Tone it Up Beach Babe workout, Bikini Sculpt(awful name, great workout); 10 Pounds Down Cardio Abs, Tummy Torching Tabata.  I almost didn't exercise but found it to be therapeutic.

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