We slept in a wee bit late since Tom decided to stay in bed and nurse his cold while working from home. It wasn't a problem, however~we just got our work done and enjoyed some reading together in Story of the World on our own schedule.
I was just talking to a friend about Wes and Algebra. Wes is a very bright young man but has struggled with Algebra a bit. It's more of a block with all the symbols and having to remember tons of formulas to do lots of word problems. He's a lot like his mother in that way. So, I was saying how much I loved the freedom homeschooling gives us to explore and understand math in our own way and at our own pace. Here's an excerpt from a note I emailed to her:
My oldest was struggling with UNDERSTANDING the concept behind Algebra this fall. We took over a month off and worked together daily in Painless Algebra. Now we're back to his book. As a consequence, he's definitely behind. We'll continue on through the summer until done, although not daily. He and my daughter Mary Madison are old enough to understand the importance of grasping WHY and why they need to do math as a means to an end (attend college if they choose,etc) so they're fine with this.
Today Wes and I did all his Algebra together. They were called "challenge" word problems. We neither one like them so we did them together, looked at answers when we were stuck and then worked backwards from there to grasp the WHAT and WHY, not just HOW, if that makes sense.
Since you school at home you can use your teacher book, answer book, anything on-line, etc. to help your kids "get" what's going on. It's pretty freeing to not be stuck in a "school" testing mentality!
I'm truly grateful to God for the time to explore, learn, and grow together with my children.
What I'm reading: Another new Bible Study, This one is about the life of Moses:
Today's workout: Brooke Burke Tighten and Tone (body weight and light weight sculpting workout).
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