We were busy over the weekend watching football and basketball, lol. Wes also had a camp out on Saturday night and the kids went shopping with the youth to buy for some Angel Tree kids that our church is supporting through Christmas gifts.
Yesterday and today Wes and I've been working through Painless Algebra (http://www.amazon.com/Painless-Algebra-Barrons-Lynette-Ph-D/dp/0764147153/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323216826&sr=1-1). We are in love with the entire series~grammar, spelling, fractions, etc. They just explain things so well. Wes is already having things click for him that he'd been wondering about. I love the series he uses for Algebra but some of the explanations are a bit lacking so this is a great resource.
We're also all using Daily Spark Grammar and Spelling each day.(http://www.amazon.com/Spelling-Grammar-Daily-Spark-Easy-/dp/1411402251/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1323216949&sr=1-8). Again, we love these books. They do some incredibly funny things to teach spelling and grammar. For example, we had to fix sentences so they would read correctly. The first one we had to fix read: "The actor was a tall man with a red moustache weighing 200 pounds." Too funny.
Yesterday I didn't exercise because Sunday night I re-aggravated a pulled muscle over my left shoulder blade. It felt AWFUL. It's better today so I did some lower body work. It's bugging me a bit more now because I've been sitting at the computer more. So, I'm off to get ready for bed and sit in my comfy chair!
Saturday's Workout: Joanie Greggin's Holiday Workout (cardio); AMYFYW, Back Bends; Dog Walk
Today's workout: 10 Minute Solution Ultimate Bootcamp: Ultimate Lower Body; 10 Minute Solution Belly, Butt and Thigh Blaster: Lower Body Makeover and Better Booty Camp; Inner Thighs on my own and yoga hip and thigh openers on my own; very short dog walk between rain showers.
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