Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My energy is better today and I didn't have to take a single Tylenol or ibuprofen.  I'm so, so grateful for that.  It's been overcast and cool (about 68) but no rain at all.

Today Maddie and Ty had piano so Tom said he'd give me a break and take them, yippee.  We did our work, practiced piano, read books (Maddie and Ty got a new book they're devouring in their spare time), and worked on some projects hanging over our heads (Wes' writing work, etc).  

When Tom took Maddie and Ty to piano, I ran Wes to the bank to get some money and he did some planning for a scout trip he's going on this Saturday.  I also ran an errand at Kmart, wishing for the millionth time I had longer lashes and didn't need to purchase mascara!

When I got home I took Penny on a slow walk and Tucker on a longer, quicker one.  Right now I'm getting ready to read for a bit before church dinner tonight.  It's been one of those gray days but for some reason God's love has just been slipping over me today like a warm blanket.  I'm grateful for that little gift today and pray you're finding him at work in your life.  He's so good, isn't he?

Today's workout:  10 Minute Solution Belly, Butt and Thigh Blasters; 10 MS Yoga, Flexibility and Relaxation segment to stretch out my legs!

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