Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quick post for me today.  We did some math and other regular school work. The kids finished their writing assignment on something fun they did over the summer.  Then we played on a website featuring a lot of quizzes. It was fun~we did quizzes on Greek History, US History, State Capitals, US Geography, Bones of the Body, Chemistry, Electricity, SAT English Prep and many more.  Oh, the kids felt good that they could do the easy French, Spanish and German quizzes since they can count to 10 in each of those languages.

This afternoon Wes finished watching Gods and Generals about Stonewall Jackson and the Civil War while Maddie and Tyler watched a short video on the Boston Tea Party.  That way they felt like they got some "TV" time in but it was on thing we are studying or will study in school this year~and they were short.

Tonight is a swim party for the church at some members' home.  But, I've been fighting a sinus headache all day~it's looked like rain~so I stayed home. And now, I think it's going to rain, lol.  Oh well, the food will still be awesome, as will fellowship with other believers.

Today's workout:  Leslie Sansone, 3.5 miles.  2 Mile AHA Walk and Walk and Firm.

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