Sunday, July 17, 2011

This morning I was determined to spend some time reflecting, preparing for my week and for worship.  I got ready, got the kids up and moving, and slipped away for about 20 minutes all alone.  I set up my notebook for the coming week, looked back over last week, and read my Bible/prayed.  Somehow, Sunday School and worship were much more meaningful for me today. Thank you, Lord, for allowing me the privilege of participating in worship with a community of believers.

This afternoon I went to Barnes and Noble on my own.  I picked up a homeschool magazine that has a great unit study to do on the Appalachian Trail and some information on camping, teaching math and physics.  Looks like a lot of fun ideas there.  I also got a book to read next week while everyone is at the beach. It's called The Dirty Life by Kristen Kimball.  It came highly recommended and I'm excited about reading it.  It is about a woman who leaves a city life in New York to start an organic farm with a man she falls in love with and marries.  From what I can tell it's one of those books that "everyone" is reading and talking about.

I pray all of you have a blessed, restful Sunday.

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