I had a hard week last week so took time off from writing. First of all, we couldn't get the sofa into our house. It wouldn't fit through a single door. So, back it went and I'm living with my old sofa with a missing leg still.
Next, we lost our dog Rocky. He got outdoors one night and took off, like he always does. He's part hunting dog and the vet said that's his instinct. That was Tuesday, the same night the sofa wouldn't come through the door. We've put up signs, gone to Animal Control, contacted the vet, etc. and have yet to find him.
I also cannot find a box of summer clothing. It has my really nice church blouses to match skirts and pants I have. Finally, my favorite pillow that's been helping my neck in the past month, decided to split a seam and I woke this morning with little white pills on me, the bed, and everywhere.
Okay, all that seems small but it's a series of losses. Loss of the idea of finally getting furniture of my own, that I chose for the first time in my married life (we've always lived in furnished parsonages). Loss of a beloved family member. Favorite clothing, etc. Just loss.
Today I finally went out about 8pm and walked the normal mile path I nightly travel with Rocky. I wore my sunglasses and wept the entire way. I'm glad the road was quiet~people weren't about as usual. So, I just mourned. Poured out my heart to God. Told Rocky how much I missed him. And just wept over the losses in my life.
I also told God that I'm grateful for my family. For a brother who came through surgery and can, I pray, lead a much more normal life now. Grateful for the time I had with my canine friend. Grateful that he is THERE, understanding my pain and that no suffering is too small to take to him.
If anything good has come out of this, it's been a 2 Corinthians 1 kind of good. In 2 Corinthians 1 we're told that if we have received any comfort in Christ, we're to use that comfort to offer comfort to others. Since our dog has disappeared and we don't know what's happened to him (he's done this before a few times and ALWAYS come home), I've been burdened to pray for people with a missing family member. I've been praying for those people who have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, parents, siblings, etc. who are missing. Not knowing where they are, or how they are. Because I have had a small taste of that with my canine buddy, I feel a deep sadness that I've never felt for people in this situation before.
And so I pray. And cry. And mourn. And know, that God is there.
What I've been reading: I finished a FABULOUS book called Love in a Time of Homeschooling by Laura Brodie. It tells the story of a woman who homeschooled her daughter for one year to try to restore her love of learning. A wonderful read for any person who cares about their child's education, whether or not they ever plan to homeschool.
I did exercise Wednesday through Saturday. I did two days of weight training, one circuit weight workout, one kickboxing workout, one Leslie Walking cardio, and one Ramping cardio.
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