Thursday, June 30, 2011

We're enjoying somewhat of a "cold front" here. The highs the last two days have only been about 89 and it's so nice not to have upper 90 degree weather!  It's amazing what just a few degrees can do for the kids as they've been outdoors walking and playing much more the last two days.

Today I had to run an errand to the Thrift Store for Tom and picked up some books the kids will enjoy using for school.  They were mostly hardback and the grand total for 8 books was $1.61.  I love getting a bargain!  And, when we're done, we'll pass them on or give them back to the store.  I'm all about decluttering these days.

Wes is getting ready to start cat sitting for the next 10 days again. So, we're trying to figure out what our plans for the 4th of July are.  Probably nothing too exciting, lol.  

Today we actually read a bit of a book together after dinner and discussed some accounting concepts.  The hilarious thing is that the accounting conversation started with some pizza, don't even ask me how!  The other night we were discussing inflation over the dinner table too.  Oh, we also discussed Winston Churchill, Jonas Salk and the polio vaccination, and Alexander Fleming and penicillin.  So, I highly recommend sitting down to eat together as often as possible.  Some of our greatest learning serendipities have occurred this way!

Today's workout:  Morning was Cardio~Ramping 1-2-3; this afternoon I did Ellen Barrett's Skinny Sculpt which, in spite of it's awful name, is a really lovely workout.  It uses light weights and standing and floor pilates style movements.  

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Moving on.  Those two words keep going through our minds.  Moving on after Rocky has died is the theme now.  Trying to be good to one another, to talk about Rocky, laughing at this antics, crying together when we need to.  

It's hardest for me in the mornings and evenings.  Those are the times when I would go get him to eat, and pet him and also to walk him.  Every night he'd come in and lie in the floor, with someone petting him or scratching his belly.  Often he'd eat a rawhide and then drift off to sleep.  When Wes got up to go to bed, he'd come kiss my cheek and say goodnight. Rocky would ALWAYS jump up, run down the stairs and walk into his crate to settle in for a night of rest.  

He was highly trainable because of his love for FOOD, lol.  He would sit, roll over, etc.  And you could hold food in your hand and he'd not take it until you told him it was okay.

Someday we hope to have another dog. That's what Rocky would have wanted.  Maddie said to me today that if we'd taken in another dog when Rocky was lost, and he'd have found his way home, he would never have been thinking we'd replaced him.  His thought would have been, "Awesome, they've gotten another dog for me to play with."    Truly, he would have thought that!

So, we're sharing memories and just doing what feels good.  Reading, talking, baking cookies.  Tyler and Maddie have been spending time working in some math books lately, just to keep their skills up. Wes has been reading some books.  We're together, taking comfort in each other's presence and moving on.  For the glory of the Father.  And, to the honor and memory of Rocky.

This weeks' workouts:

Monday~Ramping Cardio Sculpting (25 minutes); Erin O'Brien Strong Body, Fit Body weights.  PM~short walk alone

Tuesday~Leslie Sansone Two Mile Walk

Wednesday~Angie Gorr Custom 3 Fit, Cardio and Weights

What I've been reading:
Agatha Christie bio, quiz book, and extensive body of work information. Fun, light reading.

I also started a new Bible Study (I've always got one going in my devotional time).  This is called Live Intimately:  Lessons from the Upper Room   It is based on Jesus' upper room discussion with the disciples in John 13-17.  It's 13 weeks long.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It was the day before I was to turn 42, March 24, 2007.  Tom had already said he had a birthday present for me.  I'd argued with him that we had enough pets.  I had a beagle and three cats, I couldn't take care of another dog.  Dogs required walking, feeding, work.  Especially one that was in the 50 pound range.

"I know, but he's won my heart.  Maybe we could foster him until we find him a permanent home."  Tom NEVER wants pets.  Ever.  So, I grudgingly allowed this dog to come to my house.

When our van pulled into the driveway, Tom jumped out and there, on a leash, was a beautiful dog with the biggest smile I'd ever seen on a pooch. He was white, with mottled black spots, black ears, and the cutest mohawk of fur on his nose.  The vet said her best guess was he was about a year old. And, an Australian Cattle Dog mix.  And, his name was Rocky.

I didn't like the name, chosen by the person on whose doorstep he appeared.  But, it seemed to fit.  He ran up to me, begging me to pet him.  And, so began a love affair that was to last for the next four plus years.

He was never an easy dog to own.  He loved to get out and run and would jump fences, bolt through open doors, pull off his run.  We got in our car and went after him, more times than I care to count.  But he always recognized my car and came running after it and would jump through the window if I didn't open the door quickly enough.

We thought about giving him away numerous times.  But we kept him for one simple reason:  he loved us without condition.  He was honestly the sweetest dog I've ever met in my life.  Each one of us secretly felt we were his favorite human alive. That was his gift to us.

When he came into my life I was struggling emotionally.  Spiritually.  I  really had few friends and was in an environment that was hostile and judgmental.  Yet each day, Rocky would see me, wag his tail and run to me, grateful to God that he got to be with me again.  He would jump on my lap and go to sleep, all 6o plus pounds of him, thinking he was a lap dog.  He loved to roll over on his back and let Tom scratch his belly for hours.  If I would quit petting him, he would keep head butting me for more attention.  I often wondered how many hours at a time he'd let me pet him!

The two of us used to walk nightly.  It was our time to be together, let the dust settle, and just be a part of God's creation.  Sometimes I'd talk to him.  Sometimes I'd pray silently.  Sometimes, we'd just enjoy being together. 

Every time he got out and took off we would find him or he'd find his way home.  Until the night of June the 7th.  

He never came home.  We kept looking and put up posters, ads in the paper, everything we could possibly do.  And we prayed for our 5 year old dog that was such a part of our lives.

Yesterday we found out he had died.  Within about three-tenths of a mile of our home.  But, after being gone, he'd found his way back and almost made it home.  

I have no idea why it's happened.  My logical mind says that in the two years we've lived here there have been more missing dogs and cats in our neighborhood than you can imagine~we're surrounded by a lot of heavily wooded areas where animals can truly get lost.  But it still doesn't answer the questions that will never fully be known.

Rocky, goodbye.  I loved you more than I ever thought it possible to love a four legged creature.  Your gift to me was that you thought I was perfect.  Thanks for your ministry to me from the bottom of my heart.  I love you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wonder if we'll get rain again tonight?  There's a 40 percent chance of afternoon showers so stay tuned!

Tyler was supposed to go to a scout event today from 11-12:30 but he slept until 10:30.  It's the longest he's ever slept. His allergies have been bothering him and he's been staying up until 10pm most nights with me, so I guess he needed it.

But, all things seem to turn out well and today was no exception.  His buddy, Garrison, who moved to Chattanooga, came by for about 30 minutes during that time.  He was in town helping his dad clean out the garage of their house and had a brief amount of time to come and see Ty.  I know Ty would have been sad to miss him.

We're reading, cleaning up a bit, and doing some chores Tom asked if we'd mind doing for him.  In a bit we'll run to Walmart and make a return and then see what we'd like to cook up for dinner tonight.  I pray everyone is having a blessed Saturday.

Today's workout:  Ramping Cardio Challenge with Gin Miller

Friday, June 24, 2011

We've been having our daily storms tonight.  It seems like each night this week, around 5pm, we get storms and a lot of rain.  I think we got somewhere near an inch and a half in an hour. Tyler's been measuring with a cup lately!

Ty and I just took it easy today. Ty did some work in his Summer School workbook (he picked it out so he didn't get out of practice over the summer). We did go to Big Lots, lol~fun trip out on the town.  He needed some paper clips, rubber bands, etc.  He has been building some racetracks outside to play with his Matchbox cars and needed rubber bands for the project.

Tonight we fixed a pizza and watched Gulliver's Travels with Jack Black.  Hilarious movie!

It's late and I did a morning and afternoon workout and am tired. Heading for bed right now!

Today's workout:  AM~Firm Cardio Sculpt Fusion (light weights and low impact cardio, perfect as I was a bit sinus/headachy and sore this morning).
PM~Ellen Barrett Fat Burning Fusion~lovely light cardio, toning, strechy workout.  It's a fluid blend of standing pilates inspired cardio, done barefoot.  Aah, I feel so good after one of Ellen's Studio workouts.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Looks like I got busy and didn't write for a few days.  On Tuesday I went to Cups and Mugs, a local coffee shop, and met with some other homeschooling moms for some much needed laughter and sharing.  Yesterday I got together with a friend in the morning for a long, hilly chat and walk.  In the evening I helped Wes, Maddie and Tom pack for their mission trip.  I also spent a bit of time making Wes some cookies to take with him as the snacks often provided aren't edible for him with his Damon braces.

Today Tyler and I saw everyone off early in the morning.  We then went and rented Mega Mind from Redbox and had lunch at his favorite fancy eatery, Burger King, lol. This afternoon I ran some errands and now we're playing cards, reading books, and simply chatting.  I'm planning on doing some slow, strechy yoga in a minute.  It's nice when life slows down enough to just talk with our children, isn't it~that's one of my favorite parts of being a homeschool mom.

Tuesday's workout:  Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Slim and Sleek Pilates walk; 12 minute Pilates Mat work

Wednesday's workout~The Firm Total Body Toner; 3 mile hilly walk with a friend

Today's workout:  WW Punch! Advanced (kickboxing inspired workout); yoga (as soon as I'm done here)

What I'm watching:  Monday night I watched Poirot's Murder in Three Acts that I recorded from PBS; Last night I watched Poirot's Evil Under the Sun with Suchet to compare it to the Ustinov version. Both were good, the Suchet version changed a few things and added a few things I didn't care for.

What I'm reading: Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks for Homeschooling.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Today felt like a normal day for the first time in a while.  Tom was at work and all three children were home with me.  It's short lived as Tom, Wes, and Mary Madison are leaving Thursday morning through Sunday night for a mission trip to Ft. Payne, Alabama.  The youth are going to participate in relief clean-up and building from damage still lingering from the tornadoes that occurred this spring.  I'm praying they have a wonderful, Spirit-filled trip!

Today we spent some time doing laundry, cleaning, etc.  We also took some time to read and just simply hang out. I got online and had the kids take a learning style test and there were no surprises.  Wes is evenly split between auditory and visual; Maddie is a strong, strong auditory learner; Tyler and I are visual, although Ty and Wes have some kinesthetic tendencies as well.

Tonight I'm looking forward to slipping off alone to get a diet coke, reading a bit alone, and just soaking in some time praying for my family.  I pray you find some time to be alone and enjoy yourself today as well.

Today's workout:  Ramping Super Cardio (25 minutes); Erin O'Brien, Strong Body, Ageless Body (43 minutes)

What I'm reading:  Awakening Your Child's Natural Genius by Thomas Armstrong.  It's about using your child's gifts and learning styles to encourage them to love learning and to learn well.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Today I was honored to hear my children tell their father why they loved him.  For his humor and quick wit; his commitment to spend time with each one of them; his ability to gently poke fun at his own shortcomings, acknowledging that he isn't perfect.  I love seeing him grow and change, pray for and over my children, extend patience and grace to them.  I am truly blessed.

I also have a wonderful father myself.  One of my favorite stories to tell is of the little cards he would send me through the mail when I was in college.  He didn't write a lot but what the cards said was invariably profound:  "I'm proud of you."  Like my heavenly Father, he knew my faults, frailties and sins all too well.  Yet he looked beyond them and never forgot to tell me he loved me and was proud of me.

I pray you know your heavenly Father is proud of you.  Regardless of what your earthly father was like, your Father God stands ready to extend his arms, take you in, and whisper in your ear, "Child, I love you.  I'm proud of you.  And, I gave my Son for you."  

Thanks Dad, thanks Tom, for the glimpses of eternity I've been privileged to see in you.

Saturday's workout:  Ellen Barrett Barefoot Cardio.  A lovely mix of light cardio, toning and stretching that leaves you feeling so good.

What I'm watching:  Agatha Christie's Mysterious Affair at Styles.  I rented it from Netflix as it's the first book written by Agatha Christie and the first Poirot movie by David Suchet as Poirot Hugh Fraser as Captain Hastings.  It followed the book closely and was a really fun movie to watch.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Sometimes it just feels like things aren't going your way, right?  Today Tyler and I were to go swimming and hang out by the pool at the house of a friend from church. It hasn't rained in weeks and now it rained twice this week, lol.  That's okay, Tyler read some, played Legos some, and played with a neighbor.  And, the rain quit in time for him to go to his Scout closing and be in the skit with his group.

Tomorrow we're going to get Wes.  I'll probably do the bulk of the driving as Tom was just leaving Athens at 7pm. He then has to go to Atlanta to get Maddie and they'll be home late. 

Our pedometer company has us in the middle of a step challenge to earn extra points, which means more money. Since I had the time I actually did two workouts today,  yikes!  I couldn't get out and walk in the rain so I did extra cardio this afternoon.  It was kind of fun having that much time.

Today's workouts:  AM Kristi Yamaguchi Power Workout with my beloved trainer Erin O'Brien. This alternates cardio and weight training and is about 53 minutes long.

PM Gin Miller Ramping Up This is 50 minutes of low impact cardio using an incline ramp.  If you listen to Gin and do the work as she tells you to, ramping really, really gets into your glutes and hamstrings.  I definitely felt THAT while getting my heart rate up!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry..." Robert Burns originally wrote it, John Steinbeck copied it, and last night it was a reality in the McElroy house.  Tyler's scout camp was cancelled due to storms in the area.  We didn't complain though, we needed the rain!  After the storm died down, Ty and I went to Cici's Pizza buffet for dinner and he had a BALL.  When we got home we played Mouse Trap (see, mice do come into the picture, lol) and then I watched Poirot and he watched Monster House.

Today I had to return an item to the mall so we walked around there for a bit.  Tyler played with some neighbors and then decided to take apart an old printer Tom left here for him to dissect.  There is an old karaoke machine he plans to tackle next.

Tomorrow evening, late Tom and Maddie will be home.  I'm just sorry they're going to miss Tyler's closing scout program~skits, songs, etc.  Should be fun.

What I'm reading:  The Murder of Roger Ackroyd, of course.  I always compare the Agatha books to the movies.  I didn't think this one was as bad as the reviews I read. But, I was expecting it to be awful so that is probably why I thought it was entertaining.

Today's workout:  Kelly Coffey-Meyer TLC Kickboxing, Kelly's Favorites mix.  I'm getting ready to throw the yoga mat on the floor and do some slow, restorative poses on my own before picking Ty up from camp at 9.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm really looking forward to tonight.  After dropping Tyler off at Twilight Camp, I'm planning to come home, do 20 minutes of light yoga, and then watch Agatha Christie's The Murder of Roger Ackroyd with David Suchet as Poirot.  I've heard it's not close to the original plot in the book, which I love, but I think that would be hard to do.  Should be an interesting thing to watch.

Tyler practiced his piano, did some cleaning, helped me with chores, and played with his Legos. Since he did chores cheerfully I also let him watch a 30 minute episode of Scooby Doo, one of his favorites. He just left to play with a neighborhood friend.  I'm going to savor the quiet, read a bit from a Homeschooling book for inspiration, and then start thinking about dinner!

Today's workout:  The Firm Wave, Rock It Off (cardio and weight intervals); PM Workout:  One mile with Leslie Sansone (A Walk in the Park, filmed in Central Park in NYC, really nice); Slim Series Express Cool it Off Express, lovely 30 minute restorative stretch.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

This has been a busier week than I anticipated.  Tom and Maddie left on Monday and will be gone until Friday.  Tom is at Annual Conference of the North Georgia Conference of the UM Church and Maddie is staying at my MILs.  After they left I had to get Tyler to his Twilight Camp for Cub Scouts from 6pm-9pm.  Talk about a learning experience, he had a BALL.  Archery, bb guns, team building games, etc were part of the agenda.  

Today Tyler and I went to run some errands and he worked on a yarn necklace they are making for their "Survivor" themed week.  He spent some time doing extra chores for me, since his brother and sister are gone, and then played for several hours with neighborhood boys and girls.  We also put up some signs about Rocky being missing, but are slowly trying to adjust to life without him. It's really hard.

I've walked once since Sunday, but took another path.  It's just been difficult to go to the places that are filled with my memories of him being with me right now.  

On the positive side, I did go out and spend time with some homeschooling moms at a local coffee shop and that helped lift my spirits.  The serendipities shared with other women who really GET what you do and why is just simply good medicine.

Yesterday's workout:  Erin O'Brien Strong Body, Fit Body

Today's workout:  Leslie Sansone 5 Day Fit Walk Compilation:  Power Mile and Walk and Kick (with weights and then weighted gloves for the walk/kickboxing workout).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I had a hard week last week so took time off from writing.  First of all, we couldn't get the sofa into our house. It wouldn't fit through a single door.  So, back it went and I'm living with my old sofa with a missing leg still.  

Next, we lost our dog Rocky. He got outdoors one night and took off, like he always does.  He's part hunting dog and the vet said that's his instinct. That was Tuesday, the same night the sofa wouldn't come through the door.  We've put up signs, gone to Animal Control, contacted the vet, etc. and have yet to find him.

I also cannot find a box of summer clothing.  It has my really nice church blouses to match skirts and pants I have.  Finally, my favorite pillow that's been helping my neck in the past month, decided to split a seam and I woke this morning with little white pills on me, the bed, and everywhere.

Okay, all that seems small but it's a series of losses.  Loss of the idea of finally getting furniture of my own, that  I chose for the first time in my married life (we've always lived in furnished parsonages).  Loss of a beloved family member.  Favorite clothing, etc.  Just loss.

Today I finally went out about 8pm and walked the normal mile path I nightly travel with Rocky. I wore my sunglasses and wept the entire way.  I'm glad the road was quiet~people weren't about as usual.  So, I just mourned.  Poured out my heart to God.  Told Rocky how much I missed him.  And just wept over the losses in my life.

I also told God that I'm grateful for my family.  For a brother who came through surgery and can, I pray, lead a much more normal life now.  Grateful for the time I had with my canine friend.  Grateful that he is THERE, understanding my pain and that no suffering is too small to take to him.

If anything good has come out of this, it's been a 2 Corinthians 1 kind of good.  In 2 Corinthians 1 we're told that if we have received any comfort in Christ, we're to use that comfort to offer comfort to others.  Since our dog has disappeared and we don't know what's happened to him (he's done this before a few times and ALWAYS come home), I've been burdened to pray for people with a missing family member.  I've been praying for those people who have sons, daughters, husbands, wives, parents, siblings, etc. who are missing.  Not knowing where they are, or how they are.  Because I have had a small taste of that with my canine buddy, I feel a deep sadness that I've never felt for people in this situation before.

And so I pray. And cry.  And mourn.  And know, that God is there.

What I've been reading:   I finished a FABULOUS book called Love in a Time of Homeschooling by Laura Brodie.  It tells the story of a woman who homeschooled her daughter for one year to try to restore her love of learning.  A wonderful read for any person who cares about their child's education, whether or not they ever plan to homeschool.

I did exercise Wednesday through Saturday. I did two days of weight training, one circuit weight workout, one kickboxing workout, one Leslie Walking cardio, and one Ramping cardio.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We've had a busy two days.  Yesterday was my Ty's birthday and Wes had an orthodontist appointment.  And, Vacation Bible School started.  Maddie and Wes are working in the VBS and Tyler is attending.  Tom is in a meeting today and tomorrow, along with his regular church and VBS duties.  And, my parents and brother should be here sometime tomorrow.  

Glenn is in surgery today and I'm asking for prayers for a healing outcome from the "Great Physician."  

And, although I should write more about all the things we're exploring and learning together (like signing up for the Summer Reading Program at the library this afternoon) I'm tired. And, I need to make sure things are ready for my new sofa to be delivered tonight.  So, I am just praying that everyone who follows will find time with the Father today to feel their soul renewed.  And, to have a glass of something cold since it's boiling hot!!

Yesterday's workout:  Leslie Sansone 1 Mile Fast Walk from Super Walks; Erin O'Brien Strong Body, Ageless Body

Today's workout:  Leslie Sansone 5 Day Slimdown, warmup, three miles, cooldown and stretch.
PM Yoga:  AM/PM Yoga with Elena Brower. Eh, it was okay, glad it was a rental from Netflix.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Aaah, the pace of a blessed Sunday.  Or so I thought!  We are picking up my sofa that I put on lay away, of sorts, three months ago for my birthday. It will be here Tuesday. So, we spent the day deep cleaning the den.  And grocery shopping, running Maddie to tryouts for a play, church, etc.  But it was  a nice day.

Mary Madison had a ball at camp and loved rock climbing.  Tyler had a great time at my in laws and went swimming, visited the botanical gardens, and was spoiled as the only grandchild around for the week.

I'm enjoying a bit of quiet, winding down before Tyler's birthday tomorrow.  I am amazed that my "baby" is 11.  Time really does fly. He's becoming such a passionate, funny, compassionate young man.  I'm truly proud to be his mom.

Friday's workout:  Firm 500 Calorie Workout(an hour of cardio/weight intervals); Dog Walk; Beginner Yoga Download

Saturday's workout:  Choreography Creations Ramping (45 minutes of cardio); Dog Walk; Cathe Total Body Stretching on the Stability Ball

Today:  Rest.  Yay!!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The pace of life this week has been really nice.  Wes and I have had time to talk a lot and just hang out together. Tom and I have had some good discussions too.  And, above all, we've laughed.  A lot.  Sometimes over silly things, sometimes over nothing at all.  These are the moments of my life with my children I think I'll always remember.

Tomorrow Mary Madison will be home from camp and Ty back from Atlanta.  It's been nice to have them do their own thing for a week.  I'm sure they will have stories to tell and incidents to recount but once again, we'll all simply be together. And that's the best part of all.

Yesterday's workout:  Firm Total Sculpt plus Abs (heavier weights, light cardio intervals); dog walk; Lunar Flow Yoga download

Today's workout:  Weight Loss Cardio Kick, 31 minute kickboxing workout; Erin O'Brien's Pilates Progression 3, 15 minutes.  I'm not walking the dog or doing much yoga, just gentle stretching.  I was up much too late last night, it's 96 degrees out and I'm simply TIRED.