Yesterday Wes, my nearly 15 year old, asked to go to a local restaurant for dinner and said he'd pay for his meal. I ordered a $1.70 drink and paid for it with a $5. The register didn't tell the cashier the amount of change to give me and there were two 18ish year olds stumped about the issue until I told them they owed me $3.30. Luckily, when I gave the problem to Wes, Maddie and Tyler, they could come with the answer pretty quickly.
Which leads me to say I know simple math is taught in school. But, we need to keep sharpening our skills. I've been working lately with my kids on things like that, calculating percentages and dealing with fractions~things they will use throughout their lives!
Today we went to the library. The kids chose books about math, for the most part. Algebra I for Dummies, Sir Circumference books, Math for Smarty Pants, etc. They also got some books for simple pleasure as well.
After we finished up some chores and lessons, we went to Walmart to get Tyler a new pair of tennis shoes as his old shoes had holes in them! Maddie and Wes spent a bit of the money they earned in the last month. Wes got a game for his Xbox that was NBA Basketball~he keeps trying to best Rajon Rondo, a former Kentucky player who plays for the Celtics, lol. Maddie got a few inexpensive pillows and throws to spruce up her bed. And Tyler got some new colored pencils to use in sketching. Again, no surprises there.
Today I was reading about the difference between being a boss and a leader. Do I lead by fear and intimidation, by always saying "I told you so" or by example, with compassion, prayerfully considering the way I should go? Good questions to ponder as I start another week of being a homeschooling mom!
Today's workout: Erin O'Brien Strong Body, Ageless Body~great weights and pilates style floor work. And yippee, I actually got to walk Rocky today. I don't know who enjoyed it more!!
What I'm reading: Sleeping Murder by Agatha Christie. I recently re-read Curtain, Poirot's last case so I thought I'd do the same with Miss Marple.
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