Thursday, February 10, 2011

The good news of the day is that we got only a dusting of snow. Not even enough to close schools, and you KNOW schools close in Georgia for snow.  The bad news is that I've not felt my best.  The wonderful news is that God is faithful and been right here, helping me  get things done. 

The kids did a fun project together today. They looked at a map of the Americas in made in 1592 and had to answer questions about the land, animals, knowledge of the area using only the map. And, come up with limitations and questions that arose from looking at that.  They did a great job and really worked well together.

Last night at church they played Church Family Feud.  Maddie was on one of the teams and did really well.  Tom and I came in first place in a guess the Romantic Movie game from clues.  For example, Breeze Departure was Gone with the Wind.  I won $10.  Wonder if that counts as gambling, lol?

This reminds me of one of the greatest serendipities I've ever known:  being with believers in the body of Christ.  I've been a part of some toxic churches, some lukewarm churches and some wonderful churches, including the one I'm in now.  Yet, no matter what, God in his Word tells me that being a part of a fellowship is not optional.  While it's still called today, we must meet together and encourage one another.  Living, loving,'s what makes the unbearable bearable, the boring alive, the knowledge of the Holy tangible.

So please, promise me you'll thank God tonight for your church family, warts and all.  And will look for every opportunity to hang out with them.  After all,  staying away too long is how real church family feuds get started.

Today's workout:  Powerfit Cardio; Powerfit Harmony Strong Pull. 

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