Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last night Penny, our 12 plus year old beagle, gave every evidence of having a bladder infection.  So, off we went to the vet's office first thing this morning.  Lo and behold, $325 later, I find out that she has a bladder infection, enlarged heart and fluid in her lungs.  She will have to take heart medications and a diuretic for some time.  I was very upset as I'm very, very attached to my girl.  Plus, 12 (she'll be 13 in April) doesn't seem that old to me.  Plenty of dogs live much longer.

Well, a Beagle life expectancy is 12-15 years, so she's definitely not young.  And the vet didn't even mention putting her to sleep.  So what did I do?  I paid up.  Got the medication and came home, ready to take care of my girl.  Now I'm thinking my husband may have asked about putting her down, but I just couldn't.  She's mine and I love her and since there is something I can do to help, I will.  Even at the sacrifice of something else I might not purchase!

God is so willing to do that for us, isn't he?  His only son, a part of his Holy Trinity, wasn't too much.  His heart aches to reach out to us.  As long as our hearts beat, he reaches out, never giving up, doing what it takes to heal us of our sinful state. 

And, it comforts me to know that God owns a cattle on a thousand hills, and knows when a sparrow falls to the ground.  He sees my love for my animals that he created.  And his comfort is there. 

Now that is something to rejoice in, is it not?

Today's workout:  Rest day, yay!  Tonight I'm going to do the extended stretch from Kelly Coffey-Meyers's 30 MTF Bootcamp.

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