It's amazing how many things you can get done with only a really good book! The kids and I were studying the lost colony of Roanoke last week so I got a children's book from the library about it. We read a chapter today and then I dictated a sentence for the kids to write, spell, punctuate, etc. After that we picked out the parts of speech and discussed them. My youngest son Ty said, "We just did some history, spelling, handwriting and grammar in about 15 minutes? Awesome!"
We also spent time playing around with fractions today. The kids had a blast trying to come up with as many ways as possible that you can cut a sandwich into equal fourths. Even Wes joined in and enjoyed the break from the usual Algebra book he uses!!
Maddie also read aloud a book for younger children called Spaghetti and Meatballs for All by Marilyn Burns, author of the Math for Smartypants series. The kids thought it was funny and they all enjoyed the clear presentation about the difference between area and perimeter, and why you ever need to use that "stuff" in real life. I'm absolutely amazed how children's books make things so much clearer than text books usually do~and in a much more fun way.
Maddie and her dad had their piano lessons and the boys and I spent time reading and discussing what we've been learning. The also practiced skills of persuasion by trying to talk me into buying a $5 pizza from Little Caesar's for dinner, LOL!!
God, thanks for laughter, learning, and meatballs for everyone!
Today's workout:
The Firm Cardio Step Mix (an hour of step cardio and some abs)
10 Minute Solution Yoga for Beginners (pm)~flexibility and relaxation sections
What I'm reading: Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy, by Allie Carter. Yet another teen book about a 15 year old girl who attends a girl's school for the CIA. I finished the Percy Jackson series last night, and really enjoyed it!!
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