Tuesday, April 30, 2013

As the school year winds down, I'm getting more and more sporadic posting. We're trying to tie up loose ends in these last three weeks and have some fun in the process.  I'll try to be more diligent about posting some pictures, etc.

Weird thing is I posted a picture of Maddie and Tom I took at Chick Fil A a week or so ago and it's not here?  Oh well, hopefully I'll get it worked out at some point. If not, I can call in my tech support~Wes McElroy!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Nothing major to share with you. We had the normal kind of week~some running around, some laughter, some work, lots of joy in the simple things in life. So, I leave you with a couple of pictures to make you smile. In light of events in Boston and West, Texas, I find that especially important now.

This last one is for my sweet husband, the eternal morning person. He loves to get up at 6 am and discuss finances and other matters of importance.  My silence usually reminds him we are not all  like that. :p

Monday, April 15, 2013

My mom sent this to me this morning and it's too good not to share. Lots of God's truth in this one, don't you think?  Maybe this is why the beach compels us.  It's vastness, serenity, and dependable nature reminds us of the Father, drawing us upward.

We're finishing our last chapter of The Magician's Nephew in our Unit Study this week. I can't believe how quickly it's passed and how many things we've studied and learned. Maddie and Ty definitely want to keep going with this.

Another busy week of scouts, youth, football conditioning, volunteer work, Bible studies, etc. But there are only 6 weeks of school left. It's amazing to me how quickly this year has flown by. God has been faithful this year (and every year), meeting us at every turn and teaching us to honor him and love him~and one another~more along the way.

P.S. Click on the image and it takes you to a larger picture of it so you can actually read the words.  Good stuff.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Today is National Pet Day. Yep, there is such an animal!  In honor of the day I posted this picture of Peanut, doing what he does best. He stays out all night, catting around. Then he comes in, has breakfast, and crashes on the sofa until about noon. The only thing he does better than sleep is eat~and be mouthy.

We worked on some discussion and writing/drawing about the British Crown Jewels, in conjunction with our Narnia studies. Tyler is studying Moses' life, Maddie Paul's. They will then write a paper next week discussing how God used their person's experiences and character traits to His glory. Wes doesn't know it, but he's doing the assignment too~with Peter.

Other than that, it was a normal day.  I had a meeting around lunchtime and then we did some chores, etc.  I love how my kids are becoming more and more independent in their learning.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

One of the benefits of homeschooling was evident in my home today. Tom and Tyler took off about 7am and went up to Hog Pen Gap and hiked the 1.5 miles of the Appalachian Trail they didn't get to do in March. Tom then took Ty by Ingles and bought him some doughnuts. I should have taken a picture of him eating them~he was a happy camper.

In between school lessons, Maddie gave Tucker his spa day treatment. I took him on a walk in the sun to dry off and he's happily sleeping beside my computer while his coiffure finishes drying now. ;)

Tonight we have Church Dinner, Youth and Bible Study.  Looking forward to another day hanging out with members of the Body of Christ.

The only negative I see in my day is the allergies coming from the pollen count. So, I decided to post a picture and have a little fun with it. Humor makes many things so much better, right? 

Monday, April 8, 2013

So long Spring Break, 2013.  As we headed back to the routine of learning together today, we had fond memories of you!  :D

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A few pictures of how we ended our Spring Break. I'll post a few more tomorrow.

Friday, April 5, 2013

 The first picture represents my thoughts about what happened this week. I was bummed out about not going to see my parents for Spring Break but I don't have to understand everything that happens.  God is with me, whether "my" plans succeed or not.
This picture is one of the serendipities of this week. Life being slow enough to make homemade cookies.  Yum. They were gluten-free M&M cookies and were very good.

Today I spent time teaching Maddie and Wes to drive. Mostly around the church parking lot but we practiced backing, driving, turning, parking, etc. Tom took us all out to eat (huge treat for Spring Break) at the world -famous BK Lounge (aka Burger King)~we had coupons!  :D  Wes drove home from there and did a great job. Maddie then had a second lesson with her dad.

Speaking of Burger King, I decided to try something entirely new:   a Turkey Burger. Now I love turkey as much as the next person but couldn't imagine one as a burger. Know what?  It was pretty good. Tom, Wes, and Maddie liked it but Ty said it wasn't his thing. I had to try this when not with my Mother. She hates turkey and it would have gagged her! :)

All in all, it's been a nice, relaxing week. Just what I needed to get ready to go at it toward the finish line of school with the kids. 28 days and counting!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Since we didn't go to Kentucky (and are hoping to meet my folks for the weekend instead), we relaxed today. Walked the dog, read books, played games, and even made cookies.  It was chilly by the standards of the weather we've had lately~low 50s and overcast~but the rest of the week should be warmer. 

I'm going to spend some time in the next two days taking Wes and Maddie out driving~wish me luck! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We had a lovely weekend and Resurrection Sunday. We had a nice visit with Tom's family in Atlanta.  Then Tom got a stomach bug or something like that last night and our plans are on hold. We hope everyone feels well tomorrow and we can leave then. Until then. we do have some family members who are happy about the situation.