Monday, January 31, 2011

I had a lovely weekend.  It was near 70 the last few days with plenty of sunshine.  On Saturday Tom, Wes, and Tyler went south of Atlanta for my BIL's annual birthday bash~4 wheelers, etc. Maddie and I went to the mall and got a Christmas gift that didn't fit exchanged, went to Barnes and Noble (she had a gift card) and out for coffee together.  I then took a nap and watched the Cats beat the Dawgs.  So, Tom and I split in basketball this year!!!

Yesterday was a long but nice day at church.  We enjoyed the last of the great weather as the rain has moved in today, and colder temps.  It was lovely while it lasted!

Today we hit grammar hard.  I had the kids write a paragraph from their history texts.  Then they underlined each word with a different colored pencil according to the parts of speech.  For example nouns were blue, verbs were red, etc.  They seemed to have the most difficult time identifying prepositions so we're going to work further on that.  They also spent time on regular work and we did lots of cleaning today~basement stairs, oven, sweeping and spot cleaning floors, laundry, etc.

The boys both have scouts tonight and Maddie and I get to chill.  Looking forward to a nice night in, listening to the rain pattering on the roof. Well, it will be nice if I can keep Rocky and his 60 pound frame from trying to sit on my lap in my favorite chair!  And yes, he did get a walk in today in between rain showers!!

Workouts:  I'm going to take things down a notch for February. I can be an intensity junkie and I find that changing things up really helps keep my muscles working better~that whole "muscle confusion" concept. So, I'm using Powerfit workouts with Stephanie Huckabee.  They use a resistance band in place of weights, and each one is 20 minutes.  It is going to make for a nice change of pace!

Friday's workout:  Dog Walk; Powerfit Chest, Triceps and Glutes (this had the most floorwork, lol).
Saturday's workout:  Powerfit Harmony Move it (Cardio); Powerfit Legs and Shoulders

Yesterday's workout:  Rest day

Today's Workout:  Powerfit Harmony Speed Burn (cardio); Powerfit Harmony Strong Push (glutes, outer thighs, triceps and chest).

Thursday, January 27, 2011

It just never seems to stop.  Maddie, Tyler and I are still coughing and not feeling well~congested, etc.  So, last night Maddie gets up in the middle of the night with the stomach bug.  My husband Tom gets Dad of the Year for getting up with her and letting me try to sleep.  I say try as my head hurt and one side of my nose was completely clogged!

Oh well, I know you guys don't read this to see what my nose is doing!!  So, we've been going strong with Alex for math and the kids love it.  This week we've gone with a lot of extra things from  We did geometry quizzes and puzzles, learned about the geography of the US (that was fun taking online quizzes and identifying the states~I'm not good at some of the Western and North east states). We discussed the different types of maps too.  We also worked on writing good paragraphs and our science was about  plant and animal cells.

I have walked the dog twice this week and done a few easy workouts.

Monday~Ignite Cardio, Firm Express (too much, was really tired after this)

Tuesday~Leisa Hart Salsa Aerobics (easy, peasy workout)

Wednesday~Leisa Hart Postnatal Aerobics (the only reason I'm up late at night, Leisa, is not to feed the baby but to blow my nose)!

Today~only the dog walk.  I was up too much last night and need to rest more.

I've read a bunch of Agatha books while resting during the afternoon too.  The Clocks, Murder at the Vicarage, and The Moving Finger.  I also read some short stories from The Complete Miss Marple.  Right now I'm reading Murder in Retrospect.  I really, really wish I could find someone who had works I liked as well, I've read every one of Agatha Christie's books over and over through the years!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just when I think things will calm down, we all came down with the flu. It started last Thursday with my daughter Maddie.  Saturday Tyler and I joined the crew.  Yesterday, it was Wes.  High fever, coughs, aches, congestion...yucko.  And we still don't have our mojo back.  

The kids have been troopers, doing their online math and working in their books as they could.  And, we've topped it off with some Science channel shows on the moon and history shows on Barbarians.  Yes, barbarians, lol.  I told the kids that they had some similarities to the Saxons and Huns we watched on TV.  These have been great when we were feverish and just didn't have it in us to think and write~or even sit up!!

So, no exercise for me.  And, probably none until next week.  But hey, at least I'm not running a fever and can move about the world again.

Now excuse me~I need a nap!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today the schools were out again. But, it really hasn't been a problem for my kids as the neighborhood kids that are homeschooled are ALSO having school.  And, Wes' friend Alex, sleeps in until noon anyway, lol.

Wes studied his Algebra with me today. We looked at circles, fractions, etc.  As we were calculating radius I told him the old corny joke Gramps told me about "Everybody knows Pie are round, Cake are square."  He loved it.

Ty's math had him running around the house with a ruler, measuring and converting measurements.  Maddie is between math texts and we're starting a free online program ALEX next week (well, we've gotten three months free as a trial) so she studied India in her geography book. We also decided cleaning was important and did laundry (the machine was broken from last Saturday until today) and mopped the floors.

I also found out Amazon takes trade-ins for old DVDs.  I had a box of old workouts I was going to give away~I've been exercising to them at home a long time and have many workouts I've been given, bought cheaply, etc. that I just don't do.  Most are only worth .50 or so, but some a few dollars.  Well, I ended up with a $73.75 Amazon gift card~and they pay to ship the DVDs in too!  Wes turned in 4 older Nintendo DS games, the prices being much better than at Game Stop, and has a $30 card.  So, that was a nice suprise to the day.

For some reason, this is running through my head as I type so I'll just say it:  Bless the Lord, o my soul, and all that is within me Bless his Holy name!

Today's Workout:  Firm Express Cardio + Sculpt, Cycle 2; Sculpt, Cycle 3.  Tomorrow is a rest day and I need it since I have a dental appointment for a cavity to be filled.  Not much fun to workout with a numb mouth!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another day with snow on the ground.  Because of the icy mix on top of the snow, and cold temperatures, the snow in the yards is just hard, packed ice. The dogs are so funny when they go to the bathroom in the yard, they slide all around.  Well, I guess they don't think it's funny.

Today the kids finished up their writing assignments and worked in their books on vocabulary and spelling.  Maddie wants to learn to skate and Wes wants to learn more about Ancient Asia.  These are pretty typical of my older two.  Wes is a history and sports buff and Maddie likes sewing, art, and winter sports!

When I walked the dog this morning it was 9am and 21 degrees.  I watched Rocky trying, repeatedly, to walk on icy snow without falling. Then he would come to the road and be fine.  But, the lure of the snow had him back again, slipping and sliding.  It reminds me of certain sins and issues that seem to crop up, over and over for me.  So, I'm asking the Father to keep me "on a short leash."  I am asking for his reminders that his way is perfect, and protection and safety lie there.

Because I sure don't want to end up being broken, when I can walk in safety, do you?

Today's workout:  Firm Express Cardio:  Cycle 1 and 4; Shortcut to Flat Abs

What I'm reading:  Agatha Christie's Secret of Chimneys.  I meant to read this last fall after seeing a terrible version of it on PBS and got distracted with other things.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Let it snow!  Actually, I'm already tired of snow and using this fun orange color in the hopes that the temps will warm up and the sun will shine again.

We got about 5 inches of snow Sunday night.  Tom and the children sledded, built snowmen, drank cocoa, and threw snowballs to their hearts content yesterday.  And, being the kind taskmaster, umm, teacher that I am, I let them have a snow day.

Today it was back to work.  I have no idea when school will resume, but we're doing fun school and are looking forward to NOT making up the snow days, lol.

Today the kids and I watched a documentary on The Lost Colony of Roanoke on History International after we did our math pages. We also began a writing assignment on something we'd like to learn this year, why we'd like to learn it, and how we'd go about doing so.  Since so many who read this know Tyler and his larger-than-life personality, I had to reproduce his, word for word.

What I want to learn:  Hunting
Why I want to learn it:  Because you get free food
How I will learn it:
Get a BB gun and practice
Grow up
Don't get married
Live in the woods 
Get a shot gun

I pray God blesses you with many serendipities and much laughter~even in the form of a ten year old's sense of humor in completing his writing assignment.

P.S.  He has to write it in a final paragraph format tomorrow!

Sunday~Firm Express Cardio, Cycle 3; Pump it Up (10 minute bonus workout that has 4 burst cycles as the 20 minute workouts do, making it a tough little workout(

Monday~Rest Day!!

Tuesday~Firm Express Pump it Up; Cardio + Sculpt:  Cycle 3 and 4

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy New Year!

It's definitely time to get back into the routine.  We started school this week and are getting used to the routine.  Actually, it's always nice to get into a routine again!

I thought we started school on Monday but the kids found out we didn't through friends texting them, etc. So, I made them work!  We took down the tree, cleaned the house, etc.  I bet they wished they were doing math work!

We really didn't do anything too exciting this week. Math and other work in our workbooks and reading our history, etc.  Now that we're back in the groove, next week we can add in some fun things.

What I'm reading:  Agatha Christie's Hickory, Dickory Death.  She's my favorite and a lot of her novels I read at least once a year.

What workouts I'm doing:  The Firm Express set! I got this for Christmas with money my MIL and FIL gave me.  Each workout is 20 minutes and includes a warmup, cooldown/stretch, and short abs along with 4 cycles of work and bursts.  There are Four Cycles, each including Cardio and Sculpt, Cardio or Sculpt.  The bursts are 8 seconds of anaerobic drills, 12 seconds of recovery, repeated 4 time.  I'm following an advanced rotation for the workouts from the Firm's site and have been sleepy and tired this week!  The workouts have a lot of impact too, so I got my anti-fatigue mats out so I can jump around and my flat feet and shins don't complain.  Now that I'm nearing the end of my first week, I really like the routines.  Here's what I've done this week.

Monday~Cycle 1 and Cycle 3 Sculpting workouts
Tuesday~Cycle 2 and Cycle 4 Cardio plus a 10 minute abs add-on from the set
Wednesday~Cycle 1 Cardio plus Sculpt and Cycle 3 Cardio plus Sculpt
Thursday~rest; stretching and dog walk only
Friday~Cycle 1 and 3 Cardio and abs add-on
Saturday~Cycle 4 Sculpt and Cycle 2 Cardio plus Sculpt

If you've not figured out, my favorite things are reading and exercise. They feed my mind, body and spirit. I find that if I'm well physically then I'm better emotionally and thus spiritually.

As far as my devotional reading for the new year, I'm reading through my Bible in a year, as usual, and looking for a 12 month study on prayer I bought in the fall.  I put it in a safe place to use this year and cannot for the life of me find it.  That drives me crazy when it happens!!